posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by atsdude
You are seeing what every Human who has ever lived has seen...
There has never been an "age of peace" .. there has never been a time where there was not a world of strife and suffering.
Never has there been a time where all Humans where equal.
Never has there been a time where wealth did not regulate society.
And never has there been a time where the wealthy did not control everything..
There is no "secret society" dominating the world.
No, just Humanity ruling the fate of Humanity just as Humanity always have, always will, with no objective in mind, no goal set forth and no ultimate
agenda to be played out. While the strong and the wealthy will dominate and control the weak, and the weak will struggle against the mighty, it's
been proven throughout history. He who controls value controls society. I consider it Human instinct. I even consider it Human instinct to look to
another Human to tell you how to live.
And no secret society developed Human instincts.. God did.
But that's my view and beliefs.