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Why All Of Our Efforts Wont Stop An Attack on Iran

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posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:09 PM
The Congress, the Justice Department, academia, and the press are all complicit in imperialist war and attacks on the Constitution. Does this mean the system isn’t working, or that it’s working all too well?

Is the system supposed to expose itself, through congressional hearings, investigative reporting, war crimes trials? Or is it, serving the small minority it’s designed to serve, supposed to simply tolerate exposure (in the name of freedom of the press) while saturating citizens with propaganda? (If the exposure ever gets widely enough disseminated, and threatens to undermine its objectives, it can always “kill the messenger”---or at least accuse the writer of undermining national security, abetting terrorism, etc.)

[edit on 12-5-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Indeed, the entire system, including the media, has become an entity unto itself. The people of this nation have lost their voice entirely. This is no longer a "left vs right" issue, and hasn't been for some time---They are literally ALL in on it, both parties, at all levels and branches.

The propaganda and brainwashing machines are already kicked into overdrive, and these maniacs are beating their drums daily, despite the fact of an already voiceless populace screaming silently into the wind how tired we are of the CURRENT debacles they have us enmeshed into.

It certainly does appear these ever greedy war profiteers are going to do as they please and start up the next disaster, and their co-conspirators, the MSM will be their willing accomplices, yet again. De Ja Vu, round two...

Voting for “antiwar” Democrats two years ago didn’t end the war. Even millions in the streets, peacefully demonstrating as the system encourages, didn’t prevent the assault on Iraq over five years ago. Now there’s feasible political recourse to stop an attack on Iran. And little time to mobilize mass demonstrations against it. It will come as a thief in the night, presented to the American people as a fait accompli. As the Bush-Cheney cowboys ride off into the sunset, smirkin’ and grinnin’ and slapping each other’s backs, the people will start to pay.

A character in Bertolt Brecht’s The Beggar’s Opera asks what’s worse---robbing a bank, or owning a bank? The system itself, that is to say, is the criminal product of wrongly acquired wealth, much of it obtained through imperialist war. Exposure alone, no matter how voluminous, eloquent and persuasive, will not change it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:04 PM
Nothing will stop this war. It's not meant to be stopped. Even Eisenhower knew that the Military-Industrial Complex had too much power and could not be stopped.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:39 PM
"Once the avalanche has begun, it's too late for the pebbles to vote!"

- Babylon 5

The only way to stop this confrontation was to eliminate the connection between corporations and the American government. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:42 PM
For each bomb that falls on Iran, every concerned American citizen should kick a rightwinger's behind...

Watch as the war is over in a day...

These animals will continue pushing for war and genocide until it becomes a personal risk to them. They'll be a lot less eager for war once their own rear ends are on the line

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 03:05 PM
The only thing that can stop these people from dragging are country down is VIOLENCE like it or love it!!!

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

ill give you a word of advise. stop being so naive. you believe all this conspiracy crap thats fed to you on this site.
this site has interesting topics and stories but nothing can be taken as a fact,
iran has to be attacked no matter what. if they aquire nuclear weapons they will be a bigger threat to the world.

you may not agree with it but you have to choose the lesser evil and the ones that fight for what is right at the time. i personally agree with the both wars right now and i do agree with iran being attacked. think harder youll find reason.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
For each bomb that falls on Iran, every concerned American citizen should kick a rightwinger's behind...

I see their divide an conquer plan is working well with you.

Why blame the real culprits when you can blame your neighbor and ignore reality.

Originally posted by logictruth14

this site has interesting topics and stories but nothing can be taken as a fact,
iran has to be attacked no matter what.

Where exactly do you acquire your information? I can tell by the way you speak you are programmed by the MSM.

Do you have direct knowledge that IRAN needs to be attacked as you say? Or more likely you are spewing what has been fed to you by the radio & or television. We don't need anymore god damn WARS. We don't need to create any more god damn enemies.

The greed has got to stop or we'll destroy the whole world. Wake the Hell up!

We need use the Internet and bring all the world's peoples together and quit letting religions, corporations and governments dividing us and making us all enemies of each other.

The programmed television & radio is in the hands of too few everywhere on the planet.

It's time to point out the profiteers of Wars and the contrived energy crises & food shortages.

All the peoples of the Earth need to come together and take out those financing and creating these Wars.

Who are they, what are thier names - where do they reside in each Country, & Continent, what businesses do the have holdings in, what governments do they run, What do they do every day, Where do they do business, Where do they vacation? Where do they hide and how can we rout them? They are are our only enemies - they are either helping us or hurting us.

It's time to come together as long as somebody is alive it's never too late.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by logictruth14
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

iran has to be attacked no matter what. if they aquire nuclear weapons they will be a bigger threat to the world.

you may not agree with it but you have to choose the lesser evil and the ones that fight for what is right at the time. i personally agree with the both wars right now and i do agree with iran being attacked. think harder youll find reason.

I'll have to agree with verylowfrequency here... logictruth obviously is brainwashed thru this Admin. and the MSM and repeats it all here, nearly word for word. Quite saddening. Another apparent success in the 'dumbing down of America' and creating another 'body' that cannot think for itself.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 05:42 PM
The sheer fact that i have to respond,and venture down from my loft of boundless fanciful entertainment provided by most folks here;weighs to the magnitude of this topic.
Iran,is a machine, a machine that churns out religious zealots like a paper mill.Fueled with vitriol and hate that burns brighter than ALL of your vigil for peace candles coalesced,alight and held high.A machine with unfortunate cogs that want nothing to do with its controllers designs...And one day may the actual peaceful people trapped within its confines gain independence from the ayatollahs.But,right now we do not have the advantage of dealing with those.Right now,any one of those jihadis would slit your throat,shoot you...if that was only enough.Why stop there,with c4 or TNT cheap and easy to acquire or better yet some HMX or RDX;ya know the more you kill the greater the martyr.(hopefully you can see this train of logic barreling towards you)...ohh whats that,hmm one of these catalysts of martyrdom is not like the others..hmm
.... i ask my self at this point "should i continue holding your hand" ,or is it all for naught.Has the plaque the fogs your THC addled mind so distorted reality;that ignorance is accused to those who do not agree with you,even as you kneel,bound as your head is sawed off to screams of allah akbar(think this is some vituperation, spit on a koran during the hajj...i will watch you accuse me of ignorance on liveleak)...well i have waded into this attempt thus far.
So now we have 4 points of irrefutable logic and one lengthly ad hominem.Knowing the subject of this thread,the variables,the proven outcome.Can you not draw a rudimentary logical correlation of what will happen if nuclear weapons fall under the dominion of this machine?Is the monolith of conspiracy and ignorance ,that you have created,so great that it has collapsed in on itself,where no reason can escape?

heh...silly question.From my loft, i guess,its easy to look upon and untangle the webs of others...I guess its easy to be objective when you havnt spun the webs yourself.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by logictruth14
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

ill give you a word of advise. stop being so naive. you believe all this conspiracy crap thats fed to you on this site.
this site has interesting topics and stories but nothing can be taken as a fact,
iran has to be attacked no matter what. if they aquire nuclear weapons they will be a bigger threat to the world.

A word, please.......

*scribbles* 'stories that we should not take as fact'

*looks up* Is your post one of them?

And another question, if I may: If you feel that all this is crap, why do you come here?

On topic: America cannot afford another war. WE have strained our relations around the world; we have strained our finances; and we have burdened our people with a future that won't be realized with more war, more losses, and less common sense.

If having nuclear weapons endangers peace, we are the most dangerous nation in history.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:28 PM
I disagree.
The war with Iran has been stopped for now.
First Reason: Has anyone noticed that the reactor they’re building is within range of just about every cruise missile in the western world’s entire arsenal. Yet none has been fired.
Want to know why? Because Iran has promised to counter launch about 10,000 rockets at oil producing facilities across the Mid East.

Second Reason: Iran could not be building the nuclear programme if they did not already have sufficient bio-warfare ability to constitute a Mutually Assured Destruction to the state of Israel.
Given that terrorists can apparently make biological weapons in they’re kitchens it’s highly unlikely a state like Iran does not already possess this ability.

A nuclear weapon for Iran is simply a way to go one single step further than bio-warfare. Anyway the chances are they’re just seeking to be a standby nuclear power (for now).

What they want the bomb is of course a matter of debate. There’s an obvious national security argument, as well as one of national pride.
BUT: The Jihad option just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny when one considers that even a very moderate-small bio warfare ability is already enough decimate the civilian population of a country like Israel (about 6 million people). (Just so the war mongering Zionists on here know what a war with Iran means for they're homeland!!!). I mean dur!!! Why doesn't this make them feel a little bit dumb for advocating war?

On A Brighter Note: Either you’re a truly religious Iranian leader; in which case you probably don’t want to explain to God why you just caused the extinction of your own people (on your own continent). Alternatively you’re not a religious leader, and just use religion for power politics. In which case you don’t really want N.War because: Life is probably quite nice, and because if there is a hell, that’s where you’ll therefore be going.

Christian Fundamentalists…
There are three ways of looking at the issue.
1. Either Iran never develops a nuclear programme because it is attacked. In which case biological weapons get used against Israel, a nuclear response from Israel then ensures biblical prophecy is fulfilled.
2. Iran does develop nuclear weapons and uses them. In which case biblical prophecy is also fulfilled.
3. Iran develops nuclear weapons but doesn’t use them. In which case biblical prophecy is suspended.

Oh God; some of you are such primitive people I hope you don't want to knowingly hasten it. That work is supposed to be left to someone else.

[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]

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