posted on May, 12 2008 @ 10:35 AM
This is the 4th or 5th forum I have joined on the internet, and it is, without question, the unfriendliest forum around. I have posted about 10 times
and not had so much as a single response. I am sure there are thousands of others just like me, because I looked at the stats and there's like
80,000 members with 20 or less posts, so it didn't take them long either to figure out this is not a good forum to join, or TRY to join. Even when I
pointedly ask questions, = NO REPLY. The other forums where I belong, I notice if someone asks a question or makes a comment, at least the mods will
post some kind of reply to it. You have a few interesting news articles but there are plenty of other places to read these sorts of things. I am
going to attempt to unjoin, and your stats should be updated in such a way as to show the number of people who have voluntarily removed their