posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:51 AM
Last night at around 11:30 PM EST I had something bizarre happen to me. I had been sleeping, and as far as I can remember lucid dreaming, though this
particular dream, what I can remember of it, was unlike most. In most of my dreams I am usually in a body, doing something, usually my own body.. but
this time all I can remember is being a vast point of consciousness, not really moving or going anywhere, but sort of just observing what seemed to be
an ocean. I remember some thoughts passing through my mind, but not really what they were. I believe at the time I had been considering how strange
it is that I was suddenly just a mind without a body. Suddenly that dream ended, and I was awake, but I then felt a unique pressure and tingling
feeling throughout my head and body, but mostly in my head and I can remember that all of my thoughts at the time completely ceased and my internal
dialog went silent without any effort whatsoever -- this is something that has never happened to me before. It usually takes a bit of effort and
relaxation to completely quiet my mind to the point where I'm no longer having "thoughts". Though, what happened next was the most bizarre thing
I've ever experienced. As soon as my mind went quiet I heard a voice that was most definitely NOT my own, and when it "spoke" in my head, I felt
the most tremendous power and awe at how it felt. All it said was "you will not do this".. and what it meant by that I'm not sure, but I got the
feeling that I was being warned by something. When I regained the ability to move and think, my first reaction was.. so there is a god. Then I
considered that it could've possibly been a telepathic communication with someone else, but someone on a different order of energy. Like as if I had
been an ewok, and this being was master Yoda.
Anyway, to give this thread a point.. has anyone ever had an experience like this? If I can remember correctly, I believe something similar happened
a year or so ago, sleep paralysis after waking up coupled with some sort of feeling of incredible fear and communication. Only this time is the first
time I heard a voice directly communicate to me. It wanted or needed no response. What can I do to further understand what it meant by "you will
not do this?"