posted on May, 23 2008 @ 09:56 AM
I understand that people wants a government that represents them, however with the actual systems that have been going around for centuries none has
been proven successful. Once people realizes their true inherent power within their onw lives, without having to believe in an external deity,
everything will change, and a one unified Earth will be possible. When we look to this wonderful planet from space, what boundaries do we see, other
than that of land and water? Why do we all have to live separated by bureaucracy and the selfishness of current governments? Why do we have to live by
the standards of certain people? When I imagine a one unified Earth I imagine one government, led by people who will care about the World and not
themselves. Also, there isn't a need of having only one central figure, it could be a government divided by regions, still unified. I believe that
once we evolve into a state where we don't greed and envy other people, because we are able to attain the same happiness as them. Surely in the
future all of these form of governments we see now will fall.