reply to post by indierockalien
Thats a pretty cool moment! I can say I think all of us are able to this at times. While this would be even better if we could do this with lotto
numbers, and horse races!
I do belive I have an explaination for deja vu. Which is pretty close to what happened to you.
deja vu is a process where the mind knows, or feels like this has happened before.
Our minds know or send information mila seconds before our bodies react.
While I type this, my mind knows what Im going to write before my fingers put it down in writting. Our minds know what is going to happen before it
really happens!
Parts of our brains fire and send processed information along to other parts of the brain. A cup falls, and you grab it.. And we call it motor
But at the base root, our minds where able to see the future.
There are many set paths before us, and our minds calculate many possible out comes to that future.
Such as me typing this now.. Sertinly I have the sense someone will read this and either agree, or totally disagree.
My mind knows that all action create affect.. Cause and affect.
Sometimes with enough work, you can open yourself up to this much more often. And while we can not do this upon command. It still does happen often
in this world.
Yet those who doubt this will always bring up the old, well if you are so intune, why cant you win the lotto, or forsee a massive event like 911.
If enough time, we will be able to do such things.. But right now we are being manipulated and controled into thinking we are humans.
See human in a law dictonary.
Human- monster. Which says we are lower life forms, much like animals that have no land, or place in this world.
Until we become what we truely are we will remain as humans.
It may sound odd, or off of me to say.. But I am not human. IN those terms, I am more than just human.. We are beings of light! We are not human as
we are so told we are over and over agin..
More lies and manipulation.. If you are fine with being a human, by all means, keep living in that controled reality that you are being forced into
I will refuse to be called something I am not.. As we are all one, there is no such thing as death.. And life is but a dream!