posted on May, 10 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Me and my friend were walking home on friday evening.. I kept seeing blue flashing lights in the sky, my friend didn't see them, i thought it was
lightening but it was only happening in certain parts of the sky, and the strange thing is there was no thunder. I didn't think anything of it.. but
then we sat down on the wall and a dark black diagonal line began to move slowly past the moon.. it was bigger than the diameter of the moon.. we
tried to find an explaination but couldn't think of anything. The line was so straight and precise.. It couldn't have been a cloud because the line
would have distorted. A couple of other people in the area also saw these lights, i don't know if this has a connection but my main concern was a big
black diagonal line moving past the moon, the line was so accurate, straight and clear. Does anyone have any ideas to what this might be? I really
would like to find an explaination to settle our minds. Thank you.