posted on May, 10 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Hey, ive been lurking ATS for some time (year or so...) Joined here without proper introduction, so here we go:
Im 16 y/o kid from Latvia (So yeah, I might have some problems with spelling and/or explaining my thoughts) Im really interested in the whole ET/UFO
stuff, actually, there was this one book, that I read when i was 6 or so years old, it had most popular encounters, types of aliens mostly described
and other things like that...Used to be my favourite book at that time.
I was more or less active in the thread bout moldovan news ufo video (because I love being useful and I knew that I could translate the video more or
less accurately) Short time after that I went inactive due to some problems and generally that was very busy time period for me...So yeah, sorry to
all the people I didnt respond. (heh still need 1 post to respond to u2u's)
So yeah, thats more or less it, ill try keeping it mature and all that.
(Heh, just read the "TXT Messaging Shorthand" thing, too bad that im used to using u instead of you, but ill try to drop the habit)