posted on May, 13 2008 @ 02:51 PM
I mispoke before trying to say that when that word is not used by scientists a lot of times it can be derogatory towards mentally handicapped people.
I just imagine what someones entire life would be like with the mind of a 10 or 12 year old being made fun of or taken advantage of by society. Can be
used as an insult which is just ignorant or attacking the person like racial slurs, sexism or agism,ect. I am sorry it just hit a nerve, I now thats
not what you meant just kept seeing the title in recent posts.
I personally had a stroke when I was 13, amnesia (reset then maze) but my condition of inability to learn or grasp large concepts was only temporary.
Unfortanetly it happened just before high school and I couldnt function socially or normally for the 4 years and it brought me to where I am today. I
am and know mentally ill people and we have a stigma attached to us cause most people dont experience or understand.
Sorry I was just offended, it might be possible to lose IQ and some genetic trais from DNA over time. I just thought of brain handicaps like
retardation, autism, parkinsons, strokes, illnesses or any type of dysfunction or damage. And scientists for whatever reason are researching this
instead of AIDS, Cancer of some sort of unlimited food supply that can be created through science that could save lives.
This is still important though evolution isnt widely accepted or proven, just the study at first was about an isolated uncivilized group of people.
The term used can describe a handicap a lot of people have and sometimes they probably get made fun of because of it. Most people arent scientists
that studied this and I thought of peoples siblings, children or people who work in hospitals who might take offense.
Evolution is an amazing concept and could help science greatly, Darwin wrote about a type of bird that had its species live on 2 different islands and
over time developed different beaks they think directly related to food supply. Evolutionary changes through generations up or down can be possible, I
just assumed a handicap leading to a downward slope towards a missing link or de-evoving and got offended.
[edit on 13-5-2008 by P. O. W.]