posted on Feb, 29 2004 @ 02:05 AM
The two-party system invariably perpetuates itself.
A list of American political parties:
Democratic Party
Republican Party
America First Party
American Party
American Heritage Party
American Independent Party
American Nazi Party
American Reform Party
Christian Falangist Party of America
Communist Party USA
Constitution Party
Constitutional Action Party
Family Values Party
Freedom Socialist Party
Grassroots Party
Green Party
The Greens(The more leftist of the 2 Green Parties)
Independence Party
Independent American Party
Labor Party
Libertarian Party
Light Party
Natural Law Party
New Party
New Union Party
Peace and Freedom Party
Prohibition Party
Reform Party
'The Revolution'
Socialist Party USA
Socialist Action
Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Labor Party
Socialist Worker's Party
Southern Party
Southern Independence Party
US Pacifist Party
We the People Party
Workers World Party
.........................................And those are just the ones that have had members run for public office.
The point of this was to illustrate the bigotry and discrimination present by the 2 party system. As you can see, you have little to no voice or
influence because you're not a Demonrat or a Repugnant.
So, the US has those 31 flavors, it's just that the containers are sealed shut with lead on 29 of them. Granted, the lead is starting to break away,
but it will still be a long time before we taste the sweetness of a Cone made up of more than 'chocolate or vanilla'.