Americans wont allow such a change in the constitution...who da fock do u americans think u are america is indian country none of u are real Americans
your peeps r from England y'all are foreigners too how dare y'all not want to allow the constitution change do u know what was done to form this
"america" no wonder half the world hates you,
try stealing my land(Jamaica) we'd use your heads to play sports i dont hate america or americans or anybody for that matter just humble
yourselves...thats all...
some people here think arnold shwartzenneger could be the antichrist... y'all afraid he'll run for president?
I think that the talk of this is from a line in Demolition Man, where Stalone's character finds out in the future that an ammendment was ratified to
allow Arnie to run. It was just a joke that's all. I don't think it will happen, not in our time.
What I meant was that the by-play between Stalone and Arnie in the 80's movies was the joke, it took Stalone out of his character to laugh at the
competition between them.