posted on May, 10 2008 @ 09:43 AM
Originally posted by ghostryder21
good catch S4G i was going to explain it but you covered all the bases. kudos!
Thanks! I'm sure there's more info on there, but that's the basics that I know. Interestingly enough, someone posted this as their avatar on
another thread which illustrates the point:
Not only is the cross upside-down, it is denoted with the inverted star. This star has a history all its own. Rightside up, it was originally the
Star of Bethlehem representing the birth of Christ. Commonly it is incased in a circle (demonstrating the containment/imprisionment of Christ) and
inverted which is a common form of denial of power. The goathead was acquired Biblically, as believers were used in analogy as 'sheep led by the
shepherd' whereas the 'goats' were too stubborn and hard-hearted.
My information comes from a friend who was a thiestic Satanist who saw me as a mentee when describing symbols and a possible recruit to his cult.
[edit on 10-5-2008 by saint4God]