As a politically savvy US veteran, who believes the only wasted vote is the one not cast, I am once again going out on a limb with my political
predictions. You may drag these quotes to ANY political thread you please.
If Barack Obama is nominated, he will be set upon by the Republicans worse than the US set upon Iraq for they already have their plans "surely drawn
against us." He will be sticking his whole family into a beehive that he may not come through alive and probably not elected. This will disappoint
his supporters and make him a one time candidate.
If Barack Obama is elected, he will be so busy trying to implant his lofty ideals that he won't see the forest for the proverbial trees. He will
find the reality of Congress and world opinion so bringing him down he won't be able to "be fly" and brush things off. He will waste time and
energy reaching for his veto pen as often as Congress reaches for its override vote. A one term president at best, he'll heal no real rifts domestic
AND foreign, acheive next to nothing, and greatly disappoint his supporters.
If McCain is elected, he'll institute change foreign and domestic BUT only at his pace and on his terms. He may even stray from the Republican party
platform from time to time and lose his support. If Congress butts heads with him realistically, he'll butt back and waste time and energy. A one
term president this man is, who'll need three to acheive his goals. Does he have the wherewithal to establish an administration for three terms to
finish the fight for the changes so desperately needed?
If Clinton is elected, she'll quickly make the necessary connections to institute change from the start. She will be strong yet gentle in all
matters foreign and domestic, but possibly too gentle at times. If Congress butts heads with her she may resort to an end-around political play that
could waste time and cost her support. (But not as much support as the other two.) As a one term president she will only begin the fight for change,
as a two termer, she will possibly finish it.
I am sick and tired, to the point of wretching, to see Hillary portrayed as Adolf Hitler. As a student of the period in Germany, Obama has been the
closest parallel to Adolf in his use of the most popular media of the day (internet), his party rallys (sideshows), his prescence, Obama over the
USA), and his use of hecklers and detractors (the SA) to deride the support of other candidates and issues. I see Obama as the 21st century Hitler in
terms of campaign parallels and anyone else will too if they dig deep enough. (Are you "top political pundits" listening, Tim Russert, etc.?)
And now its my bed time. I've had a cup of Earl Grey tea to tide me over and blown enough steam off on the politics of the day. All of you
keep posting your opinions, fears, hopes, and anxieties. Maybe one of the candidates will read them and take them to heart.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut don't bank on it.