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ABC News Shielding Cheney after DC Madam Hanging?

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posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:00 AM

ABC News Shielding Cheney after DC Madam Hanging?

According to early accounts, ABC News correspondent Brian Ross had the exclusive scoop because Palfrey turned over years-long call lists for his staff to verify. After Cheney turned up on the list, the story, already on the ABC website and poised to run on 20/20, suddenly went away.

No explanation has been offered as to why ABC reversed itself. Any mention of Cheney was scrubbed from their website and the 20/20 piece never ran. Vitter and Tobias had already admitted whoring, so the mainstream press continues to carry the DC Madam story without mentioning Cheney, excepting DC blogsman Wayne Madsen, who says his reporting is corroborated by multiple sources, all but daring Cheney to sue. The trial's verdict received little coverage and a scheduled Vitter was never subpoaened.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:00 AM

Then, going into to a weekend news cycle we heard about the hanging, presented as a suicide from the first mention with no investigation. The public was left bereft of details - was it a full autopsy and inquest? Witness statements? Did the Madam check out without leaving behind anything critical of those who hounded her? No mentions left behind about the DOJ Attorney fired after investigating her case?

Interesting bit of news on the case here. What I'm wondering is was ABC's 20/20 story nuked because Cheney was implicated or was it simply a decision across all MSN to let the story sink?

I have a feeling that this case is far from over.

Warning: GRAPHIC
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:16 AM
First of all, this is not news, it's an op/ed piece, without a single corroborated fact regarding Cheney.

And do you think for one second that ABC would pass up the opportunity to ruin Dick Cheney's reputation and career?

This piece has as much credibilty as the naked woman reflected in Dick Cheny's sunglasses.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 04:10 AM
My appologies for posting this in breaking news, I was not clear on the forum policy vs OpEd. I have requested attention from the mods.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by SystemiK

You are not alone in this practice and it is not my place to enforce forum rules.

However, I do feel that I should point out the lack of objectivity in these sites and how they violate the spirit of Breaking Alternative News.

It takes more effort to evaluate objective data and to present it to the group to discuss than it does to find heavily biased material that's "pre-spun" and such pieces are easy to find by simply visiting sites that are known to be mostly personal opinion, such as Rense, infowars, Opednews and a few others that you will find represented here.

I stand by my assessment, but I don't want you to think that you are alone in this practice.

[edit on 2008/5/8 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 06:08 AM
I'm not sure if this thread was moved based on the previous comments.

I did want to ask some questions. Isn't hanging oneself, if it were suicide, generally a male act? I thought that overdosing on medication or slashing wrists in a hot bath were generally a female's way who wants to die?

Also, the photo doesn't seem quite right. She is very close to the wall behind her....definitely enough space between her and the floor whereby she couldn't touch the floor, should she change her mind. However, doesn't a person thrash their legs as they are suffocating...doesn't it take close to five minutes before losing consciousness before actual death takes place?

Is tthe media saying she committed suicide or are they saying she was murdered?

If her list of clients were a host of high profile individuals besides Cheney, many of her clients may have had very kinky and bizarre sexual favors that they paid for. If she were murdered....any one of them could have had someone do the job in order for the details not to come out. Plus, I'm still trying to figure out why one of her sleeves is up to her right elbow while the other is all the way down to her wrist. Lastly, women like to leave a good looking corpse behind..........

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 06:28 AM
I can't stand Cheney. The guy is about as smug as they come.

What's up with the dude whining about which forum it's in? Get
a life. Who cares what forum it's in, it's about the Vice Prez.

Someone should as Cheney about his hunting trip to Jacobs
Hollow sometime. I would like to see the look on his face.

Flagged and starred. Nice catch.

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