posted on May, 7 2008 @ 03:17 PM
Haha, thanks to you both!
Yeah I wrote this sort of on a whim, my friend suggested I make him a song so I just played the first thing I could make up! I have no knowledge of
music theory! lol!
I do actually have a whole load of other songs do they're just similar deals of me playing random bass lines with random riffs and occasionally
adding some random lyrics!
The vocals are always a problem for me since a) I have no idea how to sing and b) I don't have a decent mic, in fact the one I used for this song is
long broken!
Maybe I'll make a song with some actual time and thought put into it and post that sometime!
Edit to add: Also toraylin was listening to some of your Twisted Thicket Studios songs this morning, they rock! Keep 'em coming!
[edit on 7-5-2008 by GrooveCat]