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Acording to recent developements, over 90% of blacks should be considered racist.

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by atlscribe

A poll is nothing more than a guess, and the poll you referred to guessed wrong. This is basic reality, whether or not the article about the poll was in the NYTimes. You want a link, here ya go.

You've seemed to missed the point by a country mile.

The poll I posted was dated in 2007, just last year, and it showed Clinton holding a significant margin over Obama. Point being that before his visibility and before Bill's controversial statements, Hillary commanded a sizeable chunk of the Black democratic vote. You posting current polls is meaningless, as I'm sure even the most lax political followers would know that Obama currently has the vast majority of the Black vote.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
I was born in Costa Rica to Cuban parents, does that make me a communist, or a "Castro Sympathizer". So what? Does that mean I'm mounting an assault on Christian America?
No but as with obama, it does make you questionable...I wouldn't vote for you either based on your past.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by blimpseeker]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by blimpseeker

Well I can't run for president so don't worry. I left Costa Rica when I was 4 years old. All I've ever known is L.A., Las Vegas, and Reno. I have a brother that serves in Iraq, what in that are you against? What you seem to exemplify is xenophobia. Which is unhealthy and leads to an irrational fear of things you know nothing of...

And for the record, I happen to believe that Ron Paul is the best suited for the office of the presidency, or Jesse Ventura. Or maybe a team of both. That is a damned dream ticket. But I can't find anything to be against Obama on an ideological level, a personal level, or even a political level. Maybe, just maybe we need a guy like Obama, to pave the way for Independents and Constitutionalist political parties. He's just different enough. He's something else within the Democratic Party. All we can really do is wait and see.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by blimpseeker
No but as with obama, it does make you questionable...I wouldn't vote for you either based on your past.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by blimpseeker]

It makes him questionable? Because he wasn't born to white parents in a capitalist country he's questionable? You, sir, are a racist.

And the circumstances under which someone is born do not constitute that person's "past". One has no control over how one's brought into the world. The only true judgment of one's character is how they deal with what they are dealt.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:32 PM
This really makes me sad.My grandfather tells me of the time he came back from WWII.He and his friends were so proud that they had a chance to serve the county.So pround of the fact that they were given the chance to fight.They thought that mabey the country was changing.They thought that at last they would be looked at real americans for a change.They thought that mabey since they put their lives on the line for their county that mabey just mabey things would start to change.One week after the war was over he and his friends were almost beaten to death by some whites who didnt think they should be wearing the uniform.One of his friends became blind as a result of his beating.I asked him did he hated white people for what the had done...he looked at and hated the ones who did the beating but it wasnt like every white man in america beat him.I was 12 years old when he told me that and i couldnt understand at the time why he felt that way now I do.Im 45 now with a family of my own.Ive served my county as well.My grandfather was the greatest man ive ever known and if he can not judge people for the color of their skin after what has happen to him then its possible for anyone to do the same. My point is people are people.There is good and bad in everyone.Some people will understand that some wont but I have faith in this country and I know in my heart that one day we will come together.One day my great great great grand kids and yours will look back on this time and wonder...what the hell were they thinking. The fact that a black man is this close to become the leader of this country is amazing.I gives me hope that it appears we are on our way to look past race.Even if Obama doest get to be the president it still gives me hope.Thats something that cant be taken away.I wish my grandfather was alive to see it.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by Tricky63]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Tricky63

Great post, thanks.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:44 AM
I think you are the one missing my point.

Blacks supported Hillary until Obama won in white Iowa, and then Obama ran a good campaign in SC, and blacks voted for him overwhelmingly, as Bill Clinton stated, just as they voted overwhelmingly for Jesse Jackson. Bill Clinton's point is valid, Obama won because he deserved to win, oh, but Bill is a racist for making this point. Sorry, that is hypocrisy, a double standard.

Hillary won in PA and WV because she ran a good campaign, and Obama is the one who messed up with his statements, which, by the way, were racist, far more than Bill's statements.

Blacks overwhelmingly support Obama because he is black, and because he has ran a good campaign and shown that he can win, but I don't think that makes them racists. I would probably do the same thing, although I would have to hold my nose to vote for Obama. Working class whites support Hillary because she is more moderate. Working class whites are not big fans of welfare, and Obama is definitely a big supporter of welfare, and of course aid to Africa. Poor white people in WV would more likely to see aid go to them and their area, or at least in infrastructure in the U.S. rather than to Africa. I agree. WE need to get out of debt at least first.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:24 AM
[edit on 17-5-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Tricky63
I asked him did he hated white people for what the had done...he looked at and hated the ones who did the beating but it wasnt like every white man in america beat him.

This is what makes him part of the greatest went all downhill in the sixties with the hippies/babyboomers.

The fact that a black man is this close to become the leader of this country is amazing.I gives me hope that it appears we are on our way to look past race.

this is why 90 % of blacks will vote for him..sound fair to you?

I wish my grandfather was alive to see it.

Me too, but I am betting your grandfather would have voted on a man's character and not his skin color and probably not for Obama.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by blimpseeker]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

Originally posted by blimpseeker
No but as with obama, it does make you questionable...I wouldn't vote for you either based on your past.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by blimpseeker]

It makes him questionable? Because he wasn't born to white parents in a capitalist country he's questionable? You, sir, are a racist.

And the circumstances under which someone is born do not constitute that person's "past". One has no control over how one's brought into the world. The only true judgment of one's character is how they deal with what they are dealt.

He's right. It does make me questionable. But what happens when one gives the answers? Will he be satisfied? Will he question the particular pre-school I went to in Costa Rica when I was 3 or 4? They had uniforms...and I remember hitting my head one day on a desk. And I remember that they made us brush our teeth 3 times a day. And I liked the uniform, I thought it looked cool on me.

Would he reject this? How about this one. My family and I didn't come to this country, this country brought us here. On a plane even. And I've loved every second of my life here since my feet touched the tarmac.

Even if I could run for president, would he reject that and add some sort of loose association to add some air of sinister deeds? Questionable things get answers, If you don't seek out the answers there is only speculation left, add prejudice and xenophobia and you get a person who would reject any and every answer regardless of validity if it doesn't fit his or her viewpoint of reality.

Maybe that uniformed preschool was in fact an drug-cartel front and I got hit in the head with a brick of coc aine, after which I spent the rest of my day licking coke powder off my super awesome uniform, and the reason they had us brush our teeth 3 times a week is because they didn't want evidence of kids on coke...

...and I liked it.

Does this sound right to you? If this isn't true would you still use it just to discredit me publicly? What if it wasn't my quote, what if you paid some one to say this and then put it out as fact? Would that be justified in winning the race? Supposing you and I were running against each other.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by projectvxn]

[edit on 18-5-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Well, if all your friends and associates where Latin American socialists who spouted anti U.S. propaganda that would make your run for the Presidency very questionable, far more than your place of birth. This is the thing about Obama, he is running for the President of the U.S. while most of the people very close to him blame the U.S. for all the problems of the world, and are not proud of the U.S.. In addition he has numerous ties to the Muslim world which go beyond family connections, which he seems to have sought out.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by projectvxn

Well, if all your friends and associates where Latin American socialists who spouted anti U.S. propaganda that would make your run for the Presidency very questionable, far more than your place of birth. This is the thing about Obama, he is running for the President of the U.S. while most of the people very close to him blame the U.S. for all the problems of the world, and are not proud of the U.S.. In addition he has numerous ties to the Muslim world which go beyond family connections, which he seems to have sought out.

I know Muslim people. Friends, dear friends I wouldn't trade for anything. I know some anarchists, I know some people who we could both call communists, I know people who are Right wing neo-cons, I know people who are your most staunch of liberals, I know sheep and I know free thinkers, and I love them all and would not apologize for my associations with them. But I subscribe to none of their BS. I suppose by my current circle of friends alone you could pretty much accuse me of being tied to anything. I have friends who taught me martial arts who are Chinese nationals, and have since gone back. Two of my best friends are both Iranian and Israeli(respectively), and they hang out all the time at the coffee shop. I know a few drug dealers too(No I'm not one of their customers), I know people who are pretty much criminals(these people I maintain a very loose association with).

The point is, you can't just blanket peoples' character like this. It isn't fair. Yes, these people have helped me become who I am today. They opened my mind to so many diverse thoughts and opinions and they will continue to do so for as long as I know them. But I'm an individual, and all though they helped shape me, they are NOT me. And the same can be said for ANYONE.

This is a witch hunt and it is high time America stopped being so damned scared of everything that they'd rather make an obviously dumb choice(like voting for McCain instead of Obama or voting for either instead of Ron Paul).

All I'm saying is step back and think about how much of this is loose association and rumor, and how much of it is reality. You can't trust everything you read and see. All of the things that have been put out about Obama's "Muslimness" has proved to be false. That says to me that people are so desperate for dirt that they'll make stuff up just to stir the pot. People are very simple. Like the accusations of Ron Paul having written something blatantly racist, but that got him pretty much buried in the Race despite the fact that it was confirmed that he did not write any such words.

It's BS. And it should really stop.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 07:30 PM
I am sorry if this offends anyone as it is not my intent but I cant help but think that racism and sexism abound in this election.

Yes a lot of black people are voting for Obama because he is black.
Not 90%.
I am certain that a good portion of them are voting for him because of his stance on issues.

Yes a lot of Women are voting for Clinton because she is female.
Not all.
I am certain that a good portion of them are voting for her because of her stance on issues.

Yes a lot of White people are voting for Clinton because she is White.
Not all.
I am certain that a good portion of them are voting for her because of her stance on issues.

I could go on with McCain but I think you get my point.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 10:51 PM
the bottom line is when people stop identifying someone as a certain race, only then will we not be racist. people posting this stuff are creating the racism. the only time someone should be identified as being a different colour is to label a criminal. discrimination creates racism which in turn amplifies the differences between two races.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 03:08 AM
I find it not on;y strange, but unnerving, that Rev. Jackson, and Barry have the same numbers in NC...

Mabye it speaks to the polices that Barry has?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Sublime620
40 years. That's how long black have been treated fairly. Do you think we can give them at least a half a century to recoup, or is that too much to ask?

Maybe they could show they're better than the peopel who mistreated them by ignoring race? I don't think it's ok to judge anyone on their race and so for black people to do so is just as racist as a white person not voting for a black person.

I like Obama i have to say, he has some worrying views on the internet but otherwise his ideals seem quite good. That is what people should vote on, policy, not race.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:50 AM
From personal experiance:

It's not how they vote that makes them racist.

Its the sewage that comes out of their mouths that make them racist!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:16 AM
Obama has waay to many questionable friends for me to vote for him. Nothing to do with his race. Now if a black man with real character and principles were to step up to the plate (COLIN POWELL), They would get my vote.
Actually I wish Alan Keyes hadn't been ostrecized by the media and had been given a real chance to enter the race. He is awesome!

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by blimpseeker

Do you mean 90% of black voters or do you mean 90% of all blacks?

There about 40 million blacks and only 12 million are registered voters.

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by blimpseeker

Do you mean 90% of black voters or do you mean 90% of all blacks?

There about 40 million blacks and only 12 million are registered voters.

Obviously the information in the OP is determined by polling black registered voters.

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