Yes i knew... anyway another great Avatar dude!!! did you make it??? i think the only thing that's missin' there is ATS logo ... that you may tie in
with the theme of this avatar... anyway really cool avatar!!!!!
Thanks bud, I made it from scratch a couple months back. It's one of my favorite creations to be perfectly honest. I'll be rotating between this one
the painting gallery and the Hal 2001 background.
that's great ... you seriously have got alot of skills in graphic designing and very much creative as well
hmmm, a question, i just realized i have gained enough points to use background image... Does it always cost 2500 points to change background pic or
it's just one time and then you can change it as many time as you wish... or does it everytime cost darn 2500 points
Aww shucks...and I thought this competition would get somewhere... you think you could make a new avatar for me?
I'm gettin kind of bored with this one