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Gas Boycott! Hit the Oil Tyrants where it hurts!

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posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:23 PM
Just for one day. No gas purchased.

Yes it will also hurt the little guy that owns the pumps. But, wait 'til you see how much just ONE DAY of drastically reduced sales will hurt the Big Guys all the way up the tree!

Just for one day. It will also show that people can work in a concerted fashion to effect change.

Personally, I can keep from purchasing gas on a planned day.

How about you?...

One day, across the entire country.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by SumnerKagan]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:29 PM
Riding a bike and support sustainable energy is a stronger stand in my opion. For a wall to remain erect there needs to be something pushing against it, there needs to be friction. I say surrender to oil and take a stand for new technology.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:35 PM
If the powers that be realize that hundreds of millions of us are in agreement, and can actually act together, they will be more inclined to give up on the False Oil Dependency, and will probably be more apt to begin moving toward New Technological directions.

One thing is for sure: They are not going to be doing any of this out of the Goodness of their Hearts!

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:36 PM
I actually sold my car and now walk or catch a bus everywhere - it's a lot easier to get used to than I thought it would be.

Although, I still need to buy food. I still use a computer, television, heating etc etc. All of those things either came off the back of a truck or use oil for their production, so it's a bit difficult to banish oil completely.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by mattguy404]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by mattguy404
I actually sold my car and now walk or catch a bus everywhere - it's a lot easier to get used to than I thought it would be.

Although, I still need to buy food. I still use a computer, television, heating etc etc. All of those things either came off the back of a truck or use oil for their production, so it's a bit difficult to banish oil completely.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by mattguy404]

I agree. But, the point of such an action would be to show how just one day, and one niche of their business interests would be such a shock to the system, that it would become instantly apparent that the People also have some power.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:50 PM
I would enjoy to stick it to the man in such a way as boycotting gas for one day. However, in my opinion I find it extremely unrealistic for everyone to not buy gas on a specific day. Besides it's a short term reaction to a long term problem.

Besides, the oil companies are filthy rich. One day will mean little to a guy/gal that has a huge yacht with a helicopter pad and scantily clad hard bodies running about.

In my opinion frugality, planning a trip, biking/walking when possible, support of sustainable energy, conserving, recycling, and so forth and so on is far more powerful.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by eye open doors
I would enjoy to stick it to the man in such a way as boycotting gas for one day. However, in my opinion I find it extremely unrealistic for everyone to not buy gas on a specific day. Besides it's a short term reaction to a long term problem.

Besides, the oil companies are filthy rich. One day will mean little to a guy/gal that has a huge yacht with a helicopter pad and scantily clad hard bodies running about.

In my opinion frugality, planning a trip, biking/walking when possible, support of sustainable energy, conserving, recycling, and so forth and so on is far more powerful.

I agree with most of what you said. But, the point to the one day of action, is the fact that it is ONLY one day. And, for the world to see the effects of one day of abstinence.

It would hurt them. And, it is a small step. Just a taste.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:00 PM
wouldnt everone just fill up the day before or after? There is no way you could get the mass to do this. People love their SUV's way too much.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:05 PM
People love to consume in general. There are way too many people out there that could give two turds about anything other than the illusionary status that falsely boosts their egos.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Riff
wouldnt everone just fill up the day before or after? There is no way you could get the mass to do this. People love their SUV's way too much.

Of course some people would just fill up the day before. And, other people might do something different.
The point is, we would be dealing with such huge numbers of people, even a percentage of people taking action would be a huge dent.

Some might carpool. Some might bus. Some might not change anything. Etc.

But, SOME PEOPLE would act.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:28 PM
They got us by the balls, homie. Try running away, and they squeeze hard.

Like... in order to halt gas consumption for one day, do you know how many other things must halt? The whole business world would have to halt. It's a great idea, but try getting anyone, even your closest companions and such, to even give a # about things for a whole day's worth. Just try it. I guarantee you it's quite impossible. People are set in their ways, and they have no idea that their ways aren't really theirs, but they don't care. In today's society, it's an information overload, and most people are stunned into complacency with wherever the corporate entities are trying to steer it's unquestioningly loyal flock in because if they stop and try to pay attention, it's all just too much.... and we're so far removed from the point of return to rationality, that even the most logical idea created by our most brilliant minds will fail. The scale is so uneven, that something huge would have to happen in order to shift our paradigm back to one of clarity. You not buying gas for one day only does one thing: it inconveniences you.

Ya know, it's bad to say, but there's no hope that we can turn this around with the mindset it is in today. People need to be reminded that this is NOT real, and until they are reminded of that, let them eat cake! because they are gunna do it anyway. I'm just waiting for the ship to sink, maybe trying to find things nearby that will keep me afloat when the time comes, but that's the best you can do.

This has gotta be a grassroots movement. You've gotta be able to really communicate closely and honestly with your neighbors in order to solve these problems, and maybe in smaller towns that's easier, but in the city or suburbs.... everyone wears a mask. Everyone is looking out for their own. Everyone is paranoid about what everyone else thinks, so nothing gets said of any substance. It's all smalltalk and posturing and politically correct politeness, and maybe some show of good faith, but mainly everyone is concerned with only their situation...

So, until we realize that we really need to listen to each other and work together, then we're all #ed! Needless to say, this whole "being human" thing has left me a bit disappointed in it. Because, as you said, it's as easy as choosing not to use something. We can't even choose for ourselves, and we lie and make everyone believe we're so confident. We don't have any clue, though... as a whole, anyway.

Patience is always a virtue.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 06:41 PM
I reiterate

In my opionion taking a stand for sustainable energy and earth conservation is far more powerful, and less harmful than taking a stand against the oil companies.

[edit on 5/6/2008 by eye open doors]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 07:04 PM
My boyfriend owns a small country store with one gas pump.

This would not hurt him in the least to have people not buy gas for a day.

The reason I can say this is that the chances are pretty good that he would rather hang onto it until the next day because the price will be up!

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 08:43 PM
I've received countless emails calling for boycotts by not purchasing gas on certain days. First, it never, never happens. Secondly, it wouldn't affect anyone.

The oil companies know we will only buy our fuel the day before or after any boycott. Also, the oil companies have already received their money, from the retailer, for the gas in the retailer's tanks.

I did receive one that made more sense and, I believe, could work. It suggested we stop buying fuel from one company. A good starting place would be Exxon-Mobile, since they brag, every fiscal quarter, about setting new profit records. (This really pisses me off!) But, it can't be for one day. We would have to stop until Exxon-Mobile is near broke and all of their shareholders begin dumping their stocks.

Only when this happens, will all of the oil companies get the message.

On a side note, I heard, the other day, that an oil producer can pump one barrel of oil for $8.00! This includes wages, equipment maintenance, utilities, etc. At $120.00 per barrel, this would be a 1500% profit margin.!

Kinda makes your 5% interest on a CD, seem like a waste of time doesn't it?

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:39 PM
Honestly, I believe it is inevitable.

Eventually, this will happen.

Personally, I WOULD keep from purchasing gas for 1 to 3 days. If I knew it was adding to change. If it was FOR something. A part of something.

Maybe, before people wake up and see that these "Corporate Entities" are totally dominating every aspect of our lives, we will first need things to get even worse.

Perhaps, when medicines become impossible for the everyman to purchase.
Or, this supposed Food Crisis hits.
Maybe, Electricity will soon become a luxury that only a few can afford in a comfortable quantity.

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