I am looking to you for your help! I need to gather a collection of good start-up sequences (spools) and video I mean, of military aircraft. I have
a few but I just know that some of my fellow aircraft buds here can help me out, right!?
It's for a project for my girlfriends kids, and although I have searched youtube, there just aren't a lot of very good ones on there! Anyway,
thought I would ask for your help if you can.
I have one clip of F18? footage external,wingman/lead man,cockpit gauges,cockpit pilot,targeting practice and war time,screen displays when targeted
I've zip it in .rar 80.2MB, unziped 90.9MB's
How would you like me to send it have you got FTP , email ?.
Actuall that's great....but that is one that I have! Again though, that's exactly the sort of thing I am looking for. It really does not matter
whether it's in or out of cockpit, a bit of both would be real nice as well.
Thanks so much for your reply, got any others??????
Check out this link haven't watch the whole thing yet but it may help www.leechvideo.com...
[oops] my mistake didn't seen that boone had posted it already.
Thanks so far my friends! Looking great and I may be able to use a few of these for this project!? If anybody else finds any or already has any,
please throw them in here.
Again, thanks for all the help so far, really really appreciated!
Here's a link to the same video I posted earlier. It's the same F-15 but the quality is a little better and it shows both engines starting. Six
minutes in. patricksaviation.com