posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:21 PM
1000 yards -- a riteous shot. Most people cannot let out their breath at the right moment to stop their own movement to even come close to such a
hit. Prone position, flexors rigid, but not locked, a duality of push-pull -- an analogy of the Weaver stance, only prone.
Shooting is one of the primary things I really miss about living where I do. We knew we'd have to give it up to move here, and, yes, did anyway.
I was nationally ranked at one time, and sometimes even in my dreams, I reach over in that bass-ackwards way that left-handers throw the bolt.
Having learned that way, I don't think I could ever effectively shoot a rifle with a left-hand throw, any more than I could make music with a guitar
strung left-handed.
I agree with previous poster...... if you're considering a SitX..... the crossbow, or compound, or recurve is superior in many ways... stealth being
one of them. I favor a common recurve. Simple, replaceable, no gears or pullys to wear out, just you and the bow...... holding the shot,
controlling your bodily reaction to stress, finding the sweet spot, a relaxing of the fingertips and release, never certain of the exact moment it
I don't know about where you live, but there t'ain't a 3/8" dowel to be found around here ANYwhere. Some rat went and bought them all, along with
duct tape for fletching and squirrelled them away. Rats.
[edit on 1-7-2008 by argentus]