posted on May, 4 2008 @ 12:57 AM
Odysseus characterizes the Cyclops as "a man endowed with great strength, and wild, with no true knowledge of laws or any good customs. (Homer 142)
Check it out, would it be possible for a cyclops to be in Genesis? Hence the Third Eye? Maybe this is the reson it was "blocked." Odysseus and his
companions blind Polyphemus. Polyphemus was one of the Cyclops. The one-eyed son of Poseidon. I havent really studyed much to it, but I think there is
a real connection, and I dont know how yet.
The Book of Enoch, chapter XX, verse 2 specifically states that Tartarus is the place in which the angels who cohabited with women in Genesis 6 are to
be reserved for judgment. [1]
In Greek mythology,
When Cronus, the ruling Titan, came to power
he imprisoned the [Cyclopes in Tartarus]
There were different types of Nephilim,
Emim ("the fearful ones")
Rephaim ("the dead ones")
Anakim ("the [long]-necked ones") [read more]
I think this is going to lead me to something.