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Give Us Control Of What We Want ATS!!!

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posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

As for going back and finding work you have done on other threads...maybe you should save it to your computer if it is so important and hard work.

That was actually me who said that, not Bill.

I don't own a computer to save it to, and I can't burn discs or anything either. And why should I have to anyway?

Tell the "creator" that someone else has taken the name Spaxz.

EDIT to add:

Cause like i said i like this Site and what it does but i think we should have control of our own threads.

They are not "your" threads. This is a cooperative community you might say. The thread is no more yours than the sidewalk in front of some people's houses that they have to shovel everytime it snows.

[edit on 5/3/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Spaxz
Thank you all for your positive posts. This is why our planet is so beautiful only without us.

This remark reminds me of "If a tree falls in the forrest.......

Without us the world wouldn't matter, now would it? What difference would it make if it was beautiful with nobody around to enjoy it?

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by mrwupy

Very true in what you say, but it would be alot more interesting if we didn't have negitive lifestyle and all lived in peace and harmony.

I wish i could meet some of the loving people on this site and carry these discussions in person, but that will never happen. Trust is a hard thing. I love the human race i just wish we didn't have to harm each other physically and emotionally to feel superior.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

Without us the world wouldn't matter, now would it? What difference would it make if it was beautiful with nobody around to enjoy it?

I'm not even so sure the world actually does exist at all.

I once said,

I am a figment of your imagination. Nothing you see is real. You are God, and this is how you amuse yourself, by trying to forget your omnipotence.

...after watching the movie in this thread...

Proof of multidimensional molecules that know you're watching...Down the rabbit hole.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

I wish i could meet some of the loving people on this site and carry these discussions in person, but that will never happen.

This is not true. It most certainly can happen!!! And it happens to many!!

I have met some of the best people HERE at ATS. One who is so special to me....that if I had never come to ATS I would not know this person

ATS IS a community with tons of people all over the world, with different languages, cultures, etc is so very possible to meet wonderful people here and take it OFF of ATS too

[edit on 3-5-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Spaxz
This is why our planet is so beautiful only without us.

Can I ask you WHY you think the planet is 'so beautiful.....ONLY WITHOUT US?"

Sounds like you have something against mankind in general......

I would like to point out that on the page where you first JOIN ATS you agree that everything YOU post becomes the property of ATS for them to do with as they so choose?
It is plain and clear on the JOIN UP page and you obviously agreed to this or you would NOT be a your coming back and making petty threats to the site is....well.....childish. Your acting just like my kid would when he was 9 years old tossing a fit to get his own way even though he knew the rules to begin with.

My advice is to learn from what Mr Wupy wrote to you above....
...grow and learn. We are expected to play by the rules as adults would do, even the youngest members are held to the same rules, and YOU agreed to these rules when you joined.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

This is not true. It most certainly can happen!!! And it happens to many!!

Then again, one might run into a Captain Spaulding.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Spaxz
Are you in****, you will be ousted for sure. Hey, this is a great place. Don't screw it up for yourself. Believe me, you'll be sorry! For crying out loud, don't let one thing get in the way of everything else this site has to offer.
Been there done that. I'm still paying for it and wish it never happened. Get involved in other threads. There is a lot to be offered here. DON"T blow it!!

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

The main reason folks are having trouble with you is your point of view. You don't own ATS, I don't know if you've bought anything or made donations to it, but i don't think so. You havn't done work for it, all you've done is register and post, correct?
As such, you must work by the rules the owners and others involved in the site have put forth.
And, even more so than in the real world, you are judged by your words here. When they are typed up, people read them and make judgments based solely on them. So threads are important, especially when folks have a rational conversation in them.
Now, if the fellow wanted you to remove the video, edit your post. State that the orginator of the video wished it removed, and apologize about it.
Let this be a lesson to learn, and not a problem, think before speaking next time. Never seen a worthwhile thread deleted.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

You are right in that i was making petty threats that i would never follow up on. I was being very negitive, because i was not getting what i want which is wrong. It is very much a control thing! Everyday i try and better myself by living a positive lifestyle by emitting love to everyone, i'm not perfect but i try my best. Yes I slipped up and unfortunatly all i can do from here is say sorry to all i have offended and like you said learn from this.

I guess i won't get want i wanted and will have to learn from that. Lesson learned!!! I have contacted the creator of the video and left it in his hands to deal with the matter with the owners of this site since he is the true owner of this video. To who ever said that what i post on ATS is owned by the ATS site, is only true in what I write cause any video and picture posted is still owned by the person who made it. Who i believe in this democratic contienent ownes the right to it.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

To who ever said that what i post on ATS is owned by the ATS site, is only true in what I write cause any video and picture posted is still owned by the person who made it. Who i believe in this democratic contienent ownes the right to it.

Then you might find yourself held legally accountable by the owner/creator of the video. ATS did not choose to post it, you did. There is also a clause in the registration regarding "stealing" other people's work and/or submitting unauthorized content. The site is not responsible for that, you are. The same way that peer-to-peer networks are not responsible for illegal file-sharing, the users are if they do so in violation of copyrights.

[edit on 5/3/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

Is this how you feel when you visit someone's home? If they do not allow smoking in their house, would you still lite up? If they dont allow cussing around their kids, do you still cuss around their kids? If they dont allow shoes to be worn in the house, do you still wear your shoes? Do you thumb your nose at them because they have control over their own home and leave you little control?

When you visit someone's home (site) there are usually rules and a way of doing things. You have 2 choices. Join in and abide by them or dont join and/or leave.

Good luck in whatever you decide

[edit on 3-5-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:40 PM
Thank you all for your posts, this is why I like this site and always come back. I don't shy away because someones post doesn't agree with my view or has offended me. With all these responses I have learnt something today and thank you all for your input. Everyday I learn something new and I like to keep it all that way. So to all that has posted thank you for advancing me further in my life.

Love and Light

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

Did your friend purposely make a hoax, and then you took it to the people of ats to see the response? Your friend is mad because your name can be traced back to him, if someone could put it all together.


posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Maybe your right, but I'm about the message not the messenger. So in return I wish to respect the owner of the video.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Spaxz
If i'm wrong o'l well, either way this is a warning that in 24 hours I will start creating thread after thread of hate filled B.S so i will be banned and my thread can be deleted.

Is this the way you resolve your issues? You threaten whoever is a part of something you did wrong. Sometimes you do things that you just have to own up to. If you did some wrong then take it on yourself. I wish you the best of luck with " your problem".

[edit on 5/3/2008 by Solarskye]

[edit on 5/3/2008 by Solarskye]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Spaxz

So are you now admitting to trying to hoax ATS, knowingly? Interesting. Am I the only one getting this?


posted on May, 4 2008 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Yeah I noticed as well, mainly after you pointed it tout though.
Look Spazx, got a problem with the video? You can remove the video, but not the thread about it.
Look,you've made a mistake, you've sorta owned up about it, but you're taking it out on people who are following the rules as they set them down. Just edit the thread to remove the video and back off.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
No one controls the past. You cannot reverse a choice that you have already made. And that is not the fault of ATS or anyone else.

I admit to pulling a semi-major boo-boo & asked Springer to delete one of my posts in a thread...Even though he indicated that no T&C violation that would demand its deletion, he deleted it anyway. So in effect Springer did perform a "reverse temporal engineering" trick for me...But that was only on a single post within an already-existent thread. Considering how long I've been on ATS, I'm grateful (& lucky) to be foresighted enough with my postings to avoid asking any more than once for that kind of service.

A few years ago, I created a thread that I wanted to change the name for...I wish I could do that, but couldn't. I felt that the thread name I used was a bit too close to someone else's already-copyrighted work & I wanted to avoid any potential copyright arguments; When I named the thread, I was simply unaware of the previous work.
However, I had to settle for posting a little "disclaimer" within the thread to indicate that I wasn't trying to challenge any previously copyrighted work. A little sincerity really does go a long way.

Originally posted by RuneSpider
Just edit the thread to remove the video and back off.

If I'm not mistaken, there's a limit on how much time you have to edit your posts...After that point, the Edit button disappears. However, it's still possible to ask a Mod to edit a post for you if you ask (usually, sending a U2U is best for this).

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy

Originally posted by Spaxz
Thank you all for your positive posts. This is why our planet is so beautiful only without us.

Without us the planet is boring, just dog eat dog. We give it intrigue, thought, conspiracy.

And a disgusting evil that only humans can elicit...

A WOMAN watched in horror as a car chased her three small dogs through a street in suburban Sydney before running over one and killing it.


I don't consider anything humans have done for or with this planet to be anything different than ticks sucking the life out of an animal would do.

Without a doubt the planet is beautiful, but we make it interesting.

That's important.

Love and light,

We destroy everything we touch, we pillage every resource available, we break the laws of nature for monetary gain and we kill everything that gets in our way.

Babies are terminated on a whim, children are tortured everywhere, the elderly are left to die alone, fathers lock their daughters up for 24 years and rape them, couples hunt innocent lives to satisfy sadistic sexual desires..

We cage animals to facilitate feeding the ignorant masses, we cage animals to stick electrodes in their brains or we cage animals to see if poisons will kill them fast or slow, in our efforts to keep the wealthy smelling nice.

We hunt and slaughter animals simply for their fur, while kids in 3'rd world nations in sweat shops mass produce cheap nylon clothing.

I don't really consider that interesting, it's more disgusting.


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