posted on May, 3 2008 @ 05:19 AM
I do.
I believe many air force personnel and the like have been exposed to this amazing knowledge and seen so much stuff they just couldn't explain and
the government has threatened their families lives if they spoke out about anything they saw.
I read in this book "Cosmic Voyage" where the author, a scientist - Courtney Brown, Ph. D - does his reasearch thru remote viewing, a controversial
method in the scientific world because it has not been widely experimented. I have to say, reading the book was completely mind-blowing - i previously
had no idea about the things he examined.
In one of his sessions he explores the minds of the aliens that crashed into Earth at Roswell and basically determines that there mission was to do
just that. To crash into Earth... And look at the ripple effect it has had on the world. On our whole perception of what we believe.
These beings don't care much about dying because they understand that they live forever and they have a much more broader sense and higher
understanding of their unconscious selves than we humans do.
I believe that these alien bodies were discovered when the wreck was found and they were taken back to government air force bases and were dealt with,
examined etc. There have been testimonies from some people at the air bases and they claim that this experience has changed their entire lives and
beliefs. Some have kept it quiet until on their death-bed.
They say they have handled strange material that is not of this world. They claim they have seen these alien corpses and other flying saucer craft
that have no seams - as if they've been formed from wax, and sport unique magnetic technology and use a type of fuel not native to this planet.
MANY of these claims come from long serving, respected air force pilots, personnel and engineers. They can't all be seeing weather balloons and
stealth air craft government projects. These things are just out of this world.
This is what i believe. I have researched much about this subject and followed my own intuition and gut feelings. I'm Christain, I believe in God and
I believe in this.