posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:33 PM
I am a big history buff of WWII. I love reading anything I can get my hands on about it. I also enjoy reading spy novels set during WWII. One of the
many methods of giving orders or activating resistance cells was to place code words into newpaper stories, cartoons, puzzles, as well as over the
radio waves. I am sure everyone is familiar with the story of the word "OVERLORD" being in a crossword puzzle prior to the D-Day invasion. It almost
got the invasion postponed.
Well anyway in this day and age where everyone has internet access I wonder how many of these types of secret messages are encoded into into the world
wide web today. For instance they can still be buried in news stories, you know the type that makes you scratch your head and go what the frack are
they talking about. Then again perhaps all you have to do is type in a certain search sequence into google, then one day if the number 1 result
matches your code you know what to do.
Just something to think about