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Super Volcano Yellow Stone About to Blow?! I think so. Here's why!

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posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:35 AM

"People nearly 900 miles away felt a magnitude-5.2 earthquake that shook southern Illinois early Friday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The reason I am posting this is to get all you ATSer's opinion on this Scenario. (By the way I'm new to the site
"Hi" and this my first thread)

Okay! Lately we all been seeing a lot of Quake activity in the Mid-west and South west of the U.S. Their have been 100's of aftershocks reported. Now what I'm concerned about is "Yellow Stone AKA Super Volcano ready to blow any day now" Historically erupts every 600,000 yrs and were over due by like 30,000 yrs or so.

Do ya'll think theirs any connection? I believe something is BIG is going to happen by 2012.. Global warming, War, and other Natural disasters ECT.. Don't you guys think that so much is happening in this pass years that indicate Times are gonna change dramatically?? Here is a Video about Yellow Stone. Please give some feed back I've been thinking about this for some time now.

Mod edit: fixed embedding code.

[edit on 2008/5/1 by Hellmutt]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:13 AM
I'll let the mods know you posted this in "board business". This is the wrong forum.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by king Pop!p

Hello and welcome to ATS! I too feel that all the quakes are leading up to a catastrophic event. I have noticed too that the longitude and latitude of some of the activity is weird, if you look across the world you see that one goes off on one side of the earth and another goes off near the exact same location but on another continent, ususally of about the same magnitude. It has me thinking, instead of Yellowstone, that a large quake and earth movement is going to take place centered in the ocean.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:38 AM
Welcome to ATS, By the way you posted in the wrong forum but don't worry its not the end of the world. It happens to alot of people on here.

Anyways i think the volcano will erupt soon but not too soon. Maybe an earthquake might trigger it. But that might come later in years. But when that happens most of America will be destroyed and our climate will be messed up and we will have to find some other place to live.

i do believe that something HUGE will happen 2012.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by anti us gov]

[edit on 1-5-2008 by anti us gov]

[edit on 1-5-2008 by anti us gov]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:27 AM
Thanks for letting me know it was the wrong forum I could of sworn I put it some where else..

Space Cadet.. You blew my mind I didn't know the two location were like that. Maybe the activity is coming from the Pacific ocean IDk? Good one though. I'm going to look into it more,something is wrong.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by anti us gov
Welcome to ATS, By the way you posted in the wrong forum but don't worry its not the end of the world. It happens to alot of people on here.

My first post was about a lone flamingo that lived at the Great Salt Lake by itself named PinkFloyd and I posted it under the TERROR ALERT forum....

I still have not seen anybody make THAT big of a
boo boo...........YET............but I am hoping.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by king Pop!p

Dang I wanted to add another "you posted this in the wrong forum" comment but they moved it right before I could! It's in the right forum now I suppose.

By the way, Welcome to ATS and your first post is a good one. This subject has been done before and you can check out that rather lengthy thread here. Still, I think it was good you brought this back into the spotlight considering the recent data (quake).

It has a long history of earthquakes, including some of the largest in modern Midwest history:

_2002, a magnitude 5.0 quake in far southwest Indiana causes little damage.

_1987, a magnitude 5.1 quake near Olney in southeastern Illinois leads to scattered and minor damage.

_1968, a magnitude 5.3 quake in southern Illinois causes damage across the region, and kills a St. Louis teenager who was struck by debris falling from a building. It is Illinois' largest modern quake.

_1909, a magnitude 5.1 quake near Terre Haute, Ind., leads to minor damage. It's the largest quake in modern Indiana history.

Looking at some data on recent quakes in the midwest region, we see that they appear to be on the rise. Should such a cataclysmic event happen here is what one can expect..

That 600 km radius around the caldera will experience total devastation. The next 600 km out may receive as much as 5-10 feet of ash, depending on wind direction. The thickness of ash will decrease away from the super-volcano, but will reach the crop belt in the Midwest (Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, etc.), destroying most of the fertile croplands of the United States. California will be hit hard by falling ash, with its central wine valley severely damaged (the French will love it). Agriculture will have to shift east of the Mississippi for years. The Garden State will once again live up to its name.

In northern Idaho you will have to contend with several feet of ash and isolation. Roads will be closed. Power will be out. Phones will be out. Communication will depend on Ham radios and local stations that have generators. Rescue will take weeks or months. Some areas will never see rescue teams. The survivalists will be best prepared to make it through the difficult months following the eruption. Make new friends. Have plenty of dust masks on hand, because you cannot breath any airborne ash if you want to avoid lung disease. It's what caused mass kills of plains animals 12 million years ago, resulting in extensive bone beds beneath the ash. Drinkable water will sell at the price of gold.


Fortunately, Dr. Cornet doesn't believe we are in any imminent danger. It never hurts to be prepared though. Heck I might go grab a couple of breathing masks and cases of water this weekend.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:03 AM
Welcome to ATS, I should say first of all.

Originally posted by king Pop!p
Okay! Lately we all been seeing a lot of Quake activity in the Mid-west and South west of the U.S. Their have been 100's of aftershocks reported. Now what I'm concerned about is "Yellow Stone AKA Super Volcano ready to blow any day now" Historically erupts every 600,000 yrs and were over due by like 30,000 yrs or so.

The 600,000 years description is misleading, it is not really reflected by the YVO's findings. Looking at the data on the YVO history page, it looks to have intervals of 2.1 -1.3 = 0.8 million years, and 1.3 - 0.64 = 0.66 million years. That's not even near an average of 600,000 years, let alone regularly at 600,000 years.

In addition to the thread Scramjet76 bought up, there is also one I made a while back about it, the main post here, the rest of the thread [/url=]here[/url].

A useful website is this one, detailing recent earthquakes. It's very quiet now, only 6 small ones in the last week;

This is the YVO status page, detailing earthquakes and vertical uplift in the park area.

Good first post (for the thread) though, even with a youtube (which I would watch but youtube sound doesn't work for me in Linux) video, all very impressive.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by apex]

[edit on 1-5-2008 by apex]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

no offense but hahaha rofl. how come you posted it there? Maybe the volcano will blow in 2012.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:19 AM
WebCam Old Faithful

Just figured I'd throw this in. Of course you want to view during daytime hours
and ya' may need a little patience to see the main event (I have yet to actually see it), but I have seen the cam pointed elsewhere when some of the other ones go off.

And welcome king Pop!p -- timely topic to pop into the light again with all the quakes, imo

Oh, and apex -- the vid states 600,00 years.

[edit on 5/1/2008 by RabbitChaser]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by RabbitChaser
Oh, and apex -- the vid states 600,00 years.

Then in that case, the video isn't accurate. i'll edit the earlier post to nicer wording.

And here's another webcam for Old Faithful, with predictions, which they obviously don't do at night;

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Hi King Pop! Welcome to ATS! I've spent most of my life in the midwest and I've always been fascinated by geology. Quakes in the midwest are not as frequent as the ones along the west coast, so studies of them are less frequent too. Which is a shame, because midwest quakes are far different from west coast quakes. The shocks travel farther (like the infamous New Madrid fault quake that rang bells in Boston) but a 5.2 doesn't do the same damage it would do in, say, California.
If you really want to freak out your friends, forget Yellowstone and look at Hot Springs, Arkansas and Crater of Diamonds Park near Murfreesboro, Arkansas.
Geologists determined that there's lots of evidence of ancient volcanic activity across a sizeable area, then ignored the whole thing. It's old, no one cares.
Yet, all that hot water in Hot Springs comes from somewhere. The sulfur in Sulfur Springs, AR comes from somewhere. We keep on having earthquakes and sand blows (geysers of sand). Given the geologic time scale of caldera eruptions, I'd say the Ozarks are as likely to erupt as Yellowstone is.
But then again... I'm just a conspiracy theorist who likes rocks ;D

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 04:41 PM
I've seen enough Super Volcano specials to know that this would be real bad for a whole lot of folks. So I hope the OP is incorrect. Another thought..a good part of land based ICBMs would likely be covered in ash and electronics affected..thus a prime time to attack the US.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by anti us gov

Anyways i think the volcano will erupt soon but not too soon. Maybe an earthquake might trigger it. But that might come later in years. But when that happens most of America will be destroyed and our climate will be messed up and we will have to find some other place to live.

i do believe that something HUGE will happen 2012.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by anti us gov]

[edit on 1-5-2008 by anti us gov]

[edit on 1-5-2008 by anti us gov]

You're obviously one of those people who thinks the world doesn't exist outside of America. While Yellowstone blowing would kill huge numbers of people in America and subsiquently many around the world due to global cooling, it is not going to put an end to humanity.

As to the original subject, the first thing I thought of when I heard reports of these earthquakes was Yellowstone.

[edit on 5/6/2008 by Mad Larkin]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:56 AM
Welcome to ATS and this is a good thread

I posted this thread yesterday Another Earthquake in the mid-west, Is the writing on the wall? Because all of these things might be connected.

Here is some information I have found about Yellowstone:

Satellite images acquired by ESA's ERS-2 revealed the recently discovered changes in Yellowstone's caldera are the result of molten rock movement 15 kilometres below the Earth's surface, according to a recent study published in Nature.

Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, InSAR for short, Charles Wicks, Wayne Thatcher and other U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists mapped the changes in the northern rim of the caldera, or crater, and discovered it had risen about 13 centimetres from 1997 to 2003.
ESA satellite reveals Yellowstone's deep secret

There is a lot of movement at Yellowstone, but from what I understand there is always some kind of movement, but are these other Earthquakes around the nation connected to Yellowstone?
LOTS of information on the above link!

Yellowstone, like the Hawaiian Islands, is believed to lie on top of one of the planet's few dozen hotspots where light, hot, molten mantle rock rises towards the surface. The Yellowstone hotspot has a long history. Over the past 17 million years or so, successive eruptions have flooded lava over wide stretches of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, and Idaho, forming a string of comparatively flat calderas linked like beads, as the North American plate moves across the stationary hotspot. The oldest identified caldera remnant is straddling the border near McDermitt, Nevada-Oregon. The calderas' apparent motion to the east-northeast forms the Snake River Plain. However, what is actually happening is the result of the North American plate moving west-southwest over the stationary hotspot deep underneath.
Yellowstone Caldera

As the tectonic plate moves across this hot spot it gives the illusion that the caldera is moving, but it isn’t. And as I have said before with the other quakes happening on this same plate, I feel it’s all connected. Authorities have already had to close certain parts of the park. The things to watch out for are mass die offs of the trees and other vegetation and of course if the lake starts to boil off.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 02:02 AM
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to make the association.
Im surprised it took this long.
Good one King Pop

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 04:37 AM
Don't bother with the breathing masks.

I have dealt with volcanic ash. It is jagged glass particles. It builds up and the moisture from your breathing will turn it to stone on your filters.
It will turn to stone in your lungs, it cuts everything, grinds everything.
When your filter clogs, you will need to take the mask off. Without a clean room, you will have a hard time. You will need to eat and drink. You will need mobility. So you need a mobile clean room with an airlock. The tires on whatever you are moving through the ashfields on, will grind away rapidly as you travel. So you will need a good supply of replacement tires along the way. Water is not such a problem, you can distill it with a simple evaporation chamber. You dig a hole, you pee in hole, put a tin can in middle of hole, cover with plastic sheet, weight down the edges and put a pebble in the middle, the mositure will condense and drip down the plastic into the can. Ummmm fresh water, yummy!

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by Cyberbian

Just good luck with getting water to evaporate in volcanic winter. Not to mention a massive ash cloud covering most of the US, makes heat (ironically) hard to come by.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Welcome to ATS, and yes a very good first thread,

I wouldn't let the media hype surrounding a Caldera like Yellowstones worry you too much. Like stated earlier in the thread, the average eruption of Yellowstone is not 600k years. That being said of course, nature has a propensity for 2 things; not to necessarily follow any averages AND certainly not be cataclysmic when it's most convenient for us

With respect to what you've said, and a lot of it actually does have some merit, what's MORE likely, given what seems to be a high degree of magma movement (which could account for several earthquakes) MAY be the onset of an axial poleshift (not to be confused with a geomagnetic pole shift). Just some food for thought!

Also, if you truly want to be concerned about eruptions, your effort may well be better spent on the following potential "supervolcanos" as they have INCREDIBLY destructive VEI potential perhaps more than an eruption at Yellowstone:

KRAKATAU - Indonesia
RABAUL - Papua New Guinea
SANTA MARIA - Guatemala

The reason I mention these is, because, they HAVE been either erupting over the last month or shown pre-eruption activity. These "supervolcanos", while not located within the US, were they to erupt with perhaps, a VEI of 6 or greater, would bring about global calamity as much or more than the effects of a Yellowstone eruption.

Again, food for thought, and fuel for your own research! Good luck...


[edit on 6-5-2008 by alphabetaone]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:16 PM
This thread mentions a time frame, not very different then researched I've noticed about an 'overdue' element to an eruption.

In another thread, 'Explosive situation at Yellowstone' there's research about ground temperature studies:

Morgan, representing both the USGS and Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory, is in the process of mapping the lake floor with seismic reflection images. She uses a sonar system that emits sound waves. Morgan has taken 240 million soundings in the last four years...

"We're thinking this structure could be a precursor to an hydrothermal explosive event," Morgan said last week. "But we don't think this is a volcano."

Lastly, there's been a couple of minor earthquakes:

2.5 2008/09/25 15:38:17
2.6 2008/09/25 14:12:14

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