posted on May, 1 2008 @ 12:17 AM
I am fairly confident many of you have heard of Phil Schneider, I recently went through his most popular video, and many other authors videos. I have
written up PDF documents of the major facts he conveys in his videos, just a little project I have been doing in my spare time. I also have been
recording timestamps of when the note occurs.
A sample note:
He has pieces of debris from the Roswell crash that were given to him as a boy. He also has a piece of Titanium Alloy made for use on older Military
Vehicles. The new aircrafts use Hypersonic technology, and can go up to Mach 5. They use particle beam weapons, (lasers are obsolete). The government
also uses a form of infrared technology that can see a dime on the kitchen floor from a satellite, and has a resolution factor of 99.9999961. The
titanium piece he has can withstand temperatures in excess of 7500 degrees Fahrenheit, and has Niopium and Merinite (element 123) in it. The titanium
is in a non crystalline form, and his sample was a dripping from the main crucible. He also has a crystalline form version of that titanium, which is
grown in the confines of outer space (in not quite a super-vacuum area), and was given to use by the large grays. This crystalline version can with
stand temperatures in excess of 10000 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Notes can be found at:
If you haven't heard the video I encourage you to check that out as well at:
I hope you all find this interesting.