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Will Obama be turned into an 'angry black man'??

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posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:57 PM
I just could not believe that Rev. Wright continued to spew forth over the weekend and into Monday. But then I reread Obama's 'race speech' from last month and began to wonder if Obama had not 'excused' Wright to the point that Wright felt free to continue shooting his mouth off. question is will a significant portion of 'white America' begin to wonder whether Obama is a 'radical black man' in sheep's clothing due to Wright's continued diarrehea of the mouth and the fact that Obama has been related to the Rev and/or his church for several years? This could severely impact Obama's chances in the general election.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:20 PM
Well, the way I see it, somebody is not being honest, it may be Obama, it may be Wright.

Wright has been spewing hate for many years about how the White Man is keeping the Black Man down so if Obama gets elected, everything he has spewed over the years will have been done in vain.
Same for the other poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton.

Obama knows Wright, but now it's as if he all of a sudden is suggesting he never knew Wright was full of hate.
That is Bull Jive because Obama, Wright and that Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farakahn, all went to The Million Man March together.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Both are dishonest men with a common agenda. This all thing could be staged, politicians and reverends are some of the best actors. I'm still surprised Bill Clintion isn't on The Young and the Chestless.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 11:40 PM
Since Wright's most recent remarks, Obama has disowned him pretty bluntly:

"I have been a member of Trinity Church since 1992. I have known Rev. Wright for almost 20 years," he said at a news conference in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. "The person I saw yesterday is not the person I met 20 years ago."

Obama said he is outraged by Wright's remarks that seemed to suggest the U.S. government might be responsible for the spread of AIDS in the black community and his equation of some American wartime efforts with terrorism.

"What particularly angered me was his suggestion somehow that my previous denunciation of his remarks were somehow political posturing," Obama said, adding that Wright had shown "little regard for me" and seemed more concerned with "taking center stage."

Obama said Wright's comments were not only "divisive and destructive," but they "end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate."

At this point I think Wright is trying to sabotage Obama, I think in his view Obama isn't radical enough and is an "Uncle Tom."

And that's the important issue here - for all the effort political opponents are going to to spin him as some kind of extremist, in fact he is far more moderate, and far less partisan, that Hillary Clinton.

He's a geek who's a good public speaker basically: highly educated an very bright. In school he was an excellent student and editor of the Harvard Law Review - not a fiery radical outsider on the fringe.

Far from an extremist, trying to work up fear and anger, his campaign method has been to stay above the fray of petty negative campaigning based on innuendo, and try to emphasize a vision of hope, cooperation, and positive change.

He's not perfect, but he's hardly a the "angry black radical" Hillary's campaign machine is trying to paint him as.

[edit on 4/30/08 by xmotex]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Txhunter67
Will Obama be turned into an 'angry black man'?

He already is one. Read his book.
Wifeypoo is an apostle of victimhood and is an even worse mass of anger.

Originally posted by xmotex
Obama has disowned him pretty bluntly:

Too little, too late. He sat for 20 years in those pews and listened to his anti-white crap. He adopted Wright as his close mentor and spiritual advisor, as well as advisor (for a while) on his presidential team.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Obama is a copycat. He's playing Malcom X card. the guy is clueless and he's just playing with ignorant people riling them up emotionally. he's a better preacher than a president nominee. reason to vote for hillary.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:36 PM
As we can see, the disinfo campaign is already working quite well.

The spinmeisters have managed to turn a moderate Democrat into "Malcolm X" in much of the publics mind, using nothing more than the color of his skin and some rantings my the minister at the church he goes to.


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
As we can see, the disinfo campaign is already working quite well.

The spinmeisters have managed to turn a moderate Democrat into "Malcolm X" in much of the publics mind, using nothing more than the color of his skin and some rantings my the minister at the church he goes to.


So i'm a disinfo agent now? comparing Malcom X to Obama is quite easy. the guy is more than an actor than a good politician. he's using the race card to get votes and he's making our young voters feel important, that obama girl thing on myspace got way out of hand. why can't people understand that image is everything? if obama looks angry and decisive he makes people think that he's actually doing some work. he's playing on people's fears and emotions. when I see someone like Obama trying that hard to be accepted by the blacks it makes me wonder. lets face it guys, this race is about race. it's blacks against whites. and please don't call me racist, just watch that Malcom X movie or read about the real X and understand that it has always been a racial issue. I don't care if Obama is black or white, I do care to have a smart president and not just say the same word over and over again. "Change". when I hear Obama saying that word, I immediately think he's looking for change to ride the bus back home".

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
As we can see, the disinfo campaign is already working quite well.

The spinmeisters have managed to turn a moderate Democrat into "Malcolm X" in much of the publics mind, using nothing more than the color of his skin and some rantings my the minister at the church he goes to.


Moderate democrate??????????????? have you seen his voting record? The man is left of karl Marx

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:39 AM
To a crazy rightwinger that goes around advocating nuking whole countries, I'm sure anyone whose name isn't Eichman looks to the left of Karl Marx

But outside the lunatic fringe, Obama's Senate voting record is considered slightly more moderate than Hillary's.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Jedi, you are putting Obama's POSSIBILITY of being a Muslim (he's not) into a more important category than Hillary's excessive, habitual lying. You would rather trust someone who can't be trusted, than someone else because of your religious prejudice.


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by bigbert81
You would rather trust someone who can't be trusted, than someone else because of your religious prejudice.

I suppose it's the fact that i'm a christian. I see what muslims have done over the years, their religion is a misleading theory. I'm not only against Obama as a person, but against his church! did you see his preacher's video? I mean anyone who belongs to that church should be put under medication and checked into a mental hospital.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller

Originally posted by bigbert81
You would rather trust someone who can't be trusted, than someone else because of your religious prejudice.

I suppose it's the fact that i'm a christian. I see what muslims have done over the years, their religion is a misleading theory.

Jedi, I could say the same thing about your religion as well. There is the exact same amount of evidence to support both.

I'm not only against Obama as a person, but against his church! did you see his preacher's video? I mean anyone who belongs to that church should be put under medication and checked into a mental hospital.

Yes, I've seen the videos, but a lot of people don't realize that that is how much of black America DOES view things. Whereas I feel that much of it was blown out of proportion, taken out of context, and just plain stupid things to say, I don't really feel I can argue this point out against this ideological thinking. Trust me when I say, this church is not isolated or unique in it's thinking.

However, I do agree that the most recent crap spewed at the NAACP was plain ridiculous and inexcusable.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:33 AM
By November 3/5 people will believe Barack Obama is first cousin to Osama Bin Laden and a grandchild of Satan. The ignorant and fearful will use every tool available to portray the man as a Muslim extremist hell bent on destroying the U.S.

They'll say he's for slave reparations, appeasement with Iran, black supremacy, higher taxes on the poor, domestic terrorism, stealing candy from babies, Bible burning and the one true Anti-Christ. This country voted Bush in twice. These same people are roaming aimlessly looking for a white man to drink a beer with.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:42 AM
Is it only in America where people think Hilary can win? Im sure other brits who watch the news here in the UK will back me up with this, for weeks now it has been reported on almost all the news casts ive seen on TV as well as on Radio that it is almost impossible for Hilary to win, and they are quoting maths on this claim, just yesterday a reporter said it would take some kind of sensational allegation against Obama to prevent his nomination.

So is the British media wrong? or are Americans being fed garbage to keep her hopes alive? is there really something that is about to be revealed to everyone to make sure Obama does not go forward? if so why wait? why not just release it now?

And as for the title of the thread "Will Obama be turned into an angry black man" whats that about, i know he is black thats ok but why cant Obama be turned into an angry person? yeah i know its just a word, but he is Human first, a person, is someone trying to make sure we all know he is Black?

With everything that is happening in the world, a lot of the crap because of the American administration and Bush thinking he is the best thing since sliced bread, why oh why are the American people not fighting for change? why are they so intent on voting for a bare faced liar? (Hilary)

Something which did make me laugh this week was, white supremacists, claiming in the name of Jesus Christ to make sure Obama didn't win because he was black, where do these people get their education from? are they not aware that Jesus the man was not white? its just so sad..

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
The spinmeisters have managed to turn a moderate Democrat

A 'moderate' demorcat? Oh buddy ... you are way off.
He's definately NOT a moderate. He's a marxist.


Yes .. amazing

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:35 PM

He's definately NOT a moderate. He's a marxist.

I'd love to see some evidence for this claim...

And not "his mom's cousin once bought a sandwich from a guy that was wearing a Che Guevara shirt" as reported by WorldNutDaily and Ann Coulter's meth dealer

You should consider the fact that it's just that you're so far to the extreme right that everyone who's not in your little extremist camp looks like a die hard Trotskyite

[edit on 5/18/08 by xmotex]

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: azzllin
Is it only in America where people think Hilary can win? Im sure other brits who watch the news here in the UK will back me up with this, for weeks now it has been reported on almost all the news casts ive seen on TV as well as on Radio that it is almost impossible for Hilary to win, and they are quoting maths on this claim, just yesterday a reporter said it would take some kind of sensational allegation against Obama to prevent his nomination.

So is the British media wrong? or are Americans being fed garbage to keep her hopes alive? is there really something that is about to be revealed to everyone to make sure Obama does not go forward? if so why wait? why not just release it now?

And as for the title of the thread "Will Obama be turned into an angry black man" whats that about, i know he is black thats ok but why cant Obama be turned into an angry person? yeah i know its just a word, but he is Human first, a person, is someone trying to make sure we all know he is Black?

With everything that is happening in the world, a lot of the crap because of the American administration and Bush thinking he is the best thing since sliced bread, why oh why are the American people not fighting for change? why are they so intent on voting for a bare faced liar? (Hilary)

Something which did make me laugh this week was, white supremacists, claiming in the name of Jesus Christ to make sure Obama didn't win because he was black, where do these people get their education from? are they not aware that Jesus the man was not white? its just so sad..

To answer a few of these questions, while Barack Obama made history as the first African American to be elected president, the main issues driving his presidential election campaign were healthcare, criticism of the Iraq War, and the 2007-2008 recession. While Obama knew that al-Qaeda's deeds are grotesque and shocked the world's conscience, and he vowed to continue the search for Osama bin Laden, he saw to it that the Iraq War was going to cost the US taxpayers more dollars if the US troop presence in Iraq continued much longer, and in anticipation of Obama's arrival into the White House, the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement was hammered in November 2008 by the outgoing Bush 43 administration whereby the pull out of U.S. troops from Iraqi cities would take place by the end of 2009, and all US troops would leave Iraq by the end of 2011.

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