posted on May, 1 2008 @ 06:18 AM
Americans ought to protect themselves from such a repressive regime!
Here in the UK, we are already paying $10 a gallon. I recently paid $120 to fill up my car, which will give me about 400 miles of movement.
What the idiotic left wingers and eco-nuts fail to see is that petrol is not some luxury which can be taxed to reduce consumption, it is a bloody
necessity of the common man.
What next- a tax on food to discourage consumption... oh wait, that's their plan to tackle obesity...
Or would the final step be to tax your death?
America take heed. All the measures above have already been imposed upon us in the UK. Our blood is being squeezed out, bit by bit. Please make sure
the same doesn't happen to you!
Thus is the failing of liberal ideology- their solution to everything is to tax it (i.e to steal more money for no reason).