posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 12:56 PM
Originally posted by ciaranmccann
ive had another dream and the woman with the black eyes was in that aswell.
it was relativly short and i cant really remember much except that it was at my house, she had black eyes and i had a peacemaker (thats an 1886 colt
pistol) in my hand.
maby it was a spin of "blessed are the peacemakers"
A lot of my dreams are situational. That is, "given this situation, what would you do?" I can say in some dreams I made the right choice. In
others, I made the wrong choice. If you're in the dream long enough to see the result, I'd say take note of those and study the result. Try to
find out who the messenger is in the dream. After that, it's a little easier to figure out what the message is. There's a lot of details that
would better hash out the possibilities. For example: Was the woman peace? Or was she violent? As a result, were you peace? Or were you violent?
This can actually tell you a lot from the mere basics.
If she were peaceful and you were violent, perhaps you have some xenophobic tendencies you need to overcome?
If she were violent and you were violent, this is a kind of 'law of the west' or Old Testament style. Eye for an eye. Perhaps there's some kind
of spiritual evil within yourself you're trying to combat?
If she were peaceful and you were peaceful, perhaps you're learning to be accepting of differences despite the encouragement of others to 'fire
If she were violent and you were peaceful...then friend, I think you truly understand what Christ has been trying to say all along.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." - Matthew 5:9
"Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." - James 3:18
[edit on 25-6-2008 by saint4God]