Wow, some very dire (and I think accurate) predictions from some of you.
Very sorry for those suffering budget crisis at this time, wish to God I
could help in some way; but my wife & I are cutting it close, too! We are
both working very hard to make ends meet, like you.
I run two small businesses currently: Tree trimming & cutting/firewood;
and Sign Painting & Truck Lettering. Tree work takes lots of gas in every-
thing! But I paint the signboards and & draw the lettering at home! Not
much gas needed, happily.
To all those posting from the UK: THANK-YOU for your gas-price compar-
isons! Very interesting! And the comparisons made about public & rail
transportation availability; Here in the U.S., you have to live in a major
city, mostly, to have that option. In the 80's, I lived in Oak Park, Illinois,
next to the Eisenhower Expressway; and took the "L" train into Chicago
every day, to work at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange, as a runner.
Nothing like the cheap, dependable, clanging, rocking, noisey, crowded
train cars to wake up my hang-overs, on the ride in!