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Area 51: Fact or Fiction

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posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 01:40 AM
I have been looking forever for this documentary, and have located it, downloaded it (took weeks to get) and am now offering it by torrent.

This is the one with Chuck Clark in it (infamous Rachel, NV resident), who gets busted for digging up government detection devices on public land.

TLC (The Learning Channel) acts almost like this documentary never existed, even when I contacted them and offered to pay for it. Almost seems someone(?) wanted it suppressed...
PLEASE RESEED! Otherwise I will have to put a download limit on this. I hope I am not breaking any rules here offering this, however it is one of the better Area 51 documentaries and is almost impossible to find.

EDITED TO ADD: after reviewing the video, it appears a small section at the end was cut off - sorry about that!

[edit on 27-4-2008 by FosterVS]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 02:26 AM
I've seen this video before. I think it's about 3 years old, maybe more. The "security expert" didn't know that you can go right up to the gate at the back gate entrance. The editor did Bob Grove a real disservice by playing alleged scanner audio from the base while showing the mil air band on the PC screen. He was using a "win" radio.
They were not monitoring security, which is on an EDACS trunked radio system using DES encryption. In fact, all the scanner audio in the documentary was Nellis Weapons School. Bob apparently didn't know the tower and approach frequencies. [They should have booked me. ;-) Actually, they tried, but I just climbed Tikaboo twice two weeks before I got the call and had no interest in going back to the range that soon.]

When I first saw that video, it was at a house in Rachel. We laughed at the guys keeping their distance from the back gate. Clearly they didn't ask Chuck. We did a BBQ right by the back gate beyond where the security expert didn't want to venture;

The thing to remember is all these documentaries are written before the film crew arrives on scene. They shoot video based on the script. To do a real documentary, you would need to be there for a few months, which is clearly too expensive for a cable TV show.

For real base audio, check out

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by gariac
I've seen this video before. I think it's about 3 years old, maybe more. The "security expert" didn't know that you can go right up to the gate at the back gate entrance. The editor did Bob Grove a real disservice by playing alleged scanner audio from the base while showing the mil air band on the PC screen. He was using a "win" radio.

I will have to watch it again, but isn't there a section in there with a guy saying that Area 51 was shut down, based on the fact that he went down the wrong road to the wrong gate? Maybe it's another documentary I'm thinking of.

They were not monitoring security, which is on an EDACS trunked radio system using DES encryption. In fact, all the scanner audio in the documentary was Nellis Weapons School. Bob apparently didn't know the tower and approach frequencies. [They should have booked me. ;-) Actually, they tried, but I just climbed Tikaboo twice two weeks before I got the call and had no interest in going back to the range that soon.]

Obviously no one did any homework, to at least get known frequencies to scan for. I guess with enough time, eventually they would catch the right ones with a sweep. Not sure what the deal was with the spectrum analayzer and the little handheld doohicky that picked up RF frequencies.

When I first saw that video, it was at a house in Rachel. We laughed at the guys keeping their distance from the back gate. Clearly they didn't ask Chuck. We did a BBQ right by the back gate beyond where the security expert didn't want to venture;

Yeah, they were all dramatic playing it up. But they do that in every A51 documentary I have seen. Including that knob on Youtube, title I believe is "as close as you'll ever get to Area 51" - he drives down Groom Lake road, doesn't even get to the signs, sees another vehicle heading his way, freaks out and does a U turn and bombs back to the highway - what a hero!

The thing to remember is all these documentaries are written before the film crew arrives on scene. They shoot video based on the script. To do a real documentary, you would need to be there for a few months, which is clearly too expensive for a cable TV show.
For real base audio, check out

I would dearly love to see a "real" documentary on the area. A background on how the base started and developed, info on the nuke sites past and present, info about TTR, some of the other projects on the base that are documented but never discussed much, Creech base, Basecamp, etc. etc. etc. Sounds like a job for you gariac, including a trip up Tikaboo to start it off. You are probably one of the most knowledgeable people about that area (non-military).

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 01:04 AM
You mean another trip to Tikaboo?

You can snoop on the base all you want, but the answers will not be found that way. You can pick up bits and pieces though that are interesting, such as the foreign aircraft tested at Groom, or the F-117as that were being flown there. Funny how there were two F-117as at the base, and now Palmdale allegedly has two F-117 that they are testing until the fall, then off to Tonopah they go.

Regarding the base being moved, that was another documentary. My recollection is the History Channel Area 51 documentary was the best of a sorry lot.

I wouldn't mind having a spectrum analyzer on a visit to the range. I have one, but it is not exactly portable. Well it was portable in the 70s. On my last visit, the base was whacking me with some RF that was strong enough to effect my car lock system It would have been nice to see what they were doing. I had to be right next to the car to get the fob to work. Once I was out of the area, the normal operation returned. I'm going to go back to the same location is see if this is a permanent effect. That is, I may have intercepted a radio link path.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Here's another one. Please RESEED!

Dreamland: Area 51 (1996)
Directed by Bruce Burgess

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