reply to post by BritishGent
I have problems with my eyes and my mucus membranes when the sky is totally overcast after they spray with the chemtrails; I have been discussing this
with my friends and strange enough a few of my friends have these symptoms too...
It is too much of a coincidence that they all say that it is the worst when chemtrails have been seen.
I believe that thats the cause.
Remember that they spray this # to kill us eh?
I believe we should be looking in our surroundings/neighbourhood and try to find more people who have symptoms like this. If enough people unite, we
can maybe stand together to make a fist against this blatant attempt at genocide.
It is getting too clear where we got this disease or symptoms. There is no point denying the reality of chemtrails; several officials have admitted
that there IS spraying going on. Only thing is they all say that it is for a different reason and that in itself is already enough to cast serious
doubts about the truth of what they say.
Every day, more and more predictions about the New World Order are coming true. Its like we have never seen before in history. There are traces of
psychiatric medicine in the drinking water; theres fluoride in the toothpaste; at a certain point the cumulative effect of these poisons will become
Only then it will be too late for us to do something about it.
So, if maybe enough people decide to unite NOW, we can still do something about what seems inevitable; whatever, as long as these genocidal maniacs
will be ousted!!
In stead of just endlessly talking and talking and discussing here, like most people feel they have to do here, we could be making plans and
For most people here the conspiracy stuff is just a funny thing to do, you know, to belong to a group and call yourself a conspiracy-nut and all, nice
But to be like that is totally counterproductive and only lulls the people to sleep again; they feel they have done their share by joining this
Well, maybe this is nice for other times, but COME ON, we have work to do!!!
In a few years, if these wankers can just have their way, we wont ever be able to oppose them anymore; its too far already; population control by
genocide is already going on and its US they want to kill...
If enough peole will realize this we at least have a fighting chance...
Its not just israel and the middle east that is in turmoil; we in the west are totally under siege by 'our' leaders. South America is a shambles;
the rainforest is diminishing at an idiotic rate and what we get back for it is dark skies and death.
Or are we all so dumbed down that we cant even be bothered?