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Become an E.T missionary

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posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 04:57 AM
Ive recently decided to myself that if people dont want to know about aliens and ufo's that im gonna take the fight to them. I think ive figured out a very easy and almost fun way of talking to aliens and things to people.

Recently ive been chattin up with my friends about ufo's and all that phenomena but since been an avid member here for some time now and my own research i consider my self a very knowledgable person in the subject at hand.

Ok so heres what i do...Ill enter a site that i know is popular and has a large number of posts and members...and while im there i pose as an abductee. Since i know my way around the e.t subject there isnt a question about them that i cant intelligently answer off the top of my head and make it sound 100% believable.

The more we get people that have never considered the subject of E.T's and ufos even glancing upon something of the sort once in there day or year or life might reach sumbody. Then maybe with a lil hope they can reach somebody and so it grows.

I am online on this site right now convincing normal everday people who would normally not even consider the subject because it has no relevence in there daily life but there more you stick in there brain the more stuck it gets in there.

Id say if you can convince one person to rethink things here on earth youve done more then your part.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:01 AM
now you see,I think that's a bit daft. You're just adding to the fakery that envelopes the whole ufo phenomina. Why can't you just put forward evidence without telling lies? If people are reasobly minded,and if the evidence is good enough,people will react with reasoned debate. Not on about just picture/video evidence either. First hand accounts from reliable witnesses,mass sightings ect.

basicly,I'm against the idea of posing as an abductee,but then,it's down to you if yo're going to do it.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:04 AM
The only lie i make is that i have in fact actually been abducted. I use real data and evidence from real cases tho.

The Help me ive been abducted part is usually a good intrigue to maybe clik the link and read teh thread...and even doing that they have without knowing exposed themselves to this reality.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by ParanoidKid
The only lie i make is that i have in fact actually been abducted. I use real data and evidence from real cases tho.

What happend?

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 07:07 AM
It's still a lie

I'm sort of doing the same thing at the moment,on a small musicboard. Someone stared a thread on ufos and i've hijacked it. I'm basicly weeding through all the documented ufo cases on here,as this is a great resource,and putting them up for debate.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 08:57 AM
So what's to say your "real" data is not based on people doing exactly what you are now doing? This is just ridiculous!

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by ParanoidKid
Ive recently decided to myself that if people dont want to know about aliens and ufo's that im gonna take the fight to them...I'll enter a site that i know is popular...and while im there i pose as an abductee.

Can't quite believe my eyes.

You're going to try and convince people of the reality of the ETH by lying to them? Do you honestly believe, even in your wildest imagination, that that is even remotely a logical course of action?

And then you go on to say this:

The only lie i make is that i have in fact actually been abducted. I use real data and evidence from real cases tho.

So you're going to lie about being abducted... but in reality you actualy have been abducted? So what are you saying? Your experience was so mundane that you have to embellish it with other data? Can you not see the monstrous flaw in this?
IMO, you seem a little confused...

It is totally unresponsible to even consider trying to attempt to convince those who have not made up their mind with regard to alien visitation with the use of untruths. Your approach is beyond foolish.
When discovered, and you will be discovered, you'll have done exactly the opposite to what you intended.

Besides this, what you're telling us you are going to do on other boards is precisely what would get you banned from this one. Can you not see that?

Why not just use your own experiences?

Or are you lying about them, too?

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 10:33 AM
OP what you are doing is highly distasteful and in a nutshell: wrong.

It is hoaxes that have prevented the UFO phenomenon from being disclosed and being common knowledge.

I would suggest that if you are truly interested in the truth, then you ought to stop this tactic.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 11:18 AM
You are the problem OP. What if everyone is doing what you are doing and taking it upon themselves to be witnesses, just because they think its true, not having really witnessed anything. In the long run it is exposed and the subject is ridiculed. Thanks...

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 08:39 AM
Well OP, as everyone else in this thread has stated, it is just plain wrong to pose as something you aren't to try and get believers. Are you familiar with Jim Jones? How about the government? You are basically doing the same thing that Jim Jones did and our government does from time to time, lie to us in order to manipulate us. That's morally wrong, and if you're a Christian (and I'm not) it's a sin! Not to mention the fact that you plan on using "real" evidence to support it. No offense to the Alien and UFO believers (I'm one of them myself, so don't take this personally) but most evidence of UFOs and Alien life remains highly controversial and could very well be fake or something normal being observed differently because of environmental factors and the such.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by ParanoidKid
Ive recently decided to myself that if people dont want to know about aliens and ufo's that im gonna take the fight to them. I think ive figured out a very easy and almost fun way of talking to aliens and things to people.

Recently ive been chattin up with my friends about ufo's and all that phenomena but since been an avid member here for some time now and my own research i consider my self a very knowledgable person in the subject at hand.

Ok so heres what i do...Ill enter a site that i know is popular and has a large number of posts and members...and while im there i pose as an abductee. Since i know my way around the e.t subject there isnt a question about them that i cant intelligently answer off the top of my head and make it sound 100% believable.

The more we get people that have never considered the subject of E.T's and ufos even glancing upon something of the sort once in there day or year or life might reach sumbody. Then maybe with a lil hope they can reach somebody and so it grows.

I am online on this site right now convincing normal everday people who would normally not even consider the subject because it has no relevence in there daily life but there more you stick in there brain the more stuck it gets in there.

Id say if you can convince one person to rethink things here on earth youve done more then your part.

Wait, your on your journey to truth and your doing the exact opposite?

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