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What is a titian?

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posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 02:33 PM
Well actually it's a famous artist. It's an alias I chose several years ago because I was playing with my wife's t--s when somehow I called them titians. The rest is history.

I've lurked here for months and have enjoyed reading the posts. I'm interested in aviation, weather and anything outdoors. I'm a software developer of business applications by day and I dabble in tracking hackers, spammers and viruses.

Thanks for making this such an interesting place to come to.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 02:36 PM
welcome to the boards.
if you have any questions feel free to u2u me.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 02:41 PM
Thanks cmdrkeenkid. I must say this is one of the better conspiracy theory boards -- it's much more than that. Technical forums, political formums, damn chemtrail forums....

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 02:55 PM
oh god... do not get me started on that chemtrail crap...

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:01 PM
Greetings titian!!

I'm sure you'll find ATS to be a wonderful virtual community - as you say, there's something for *everyone* really, from comic relief to serious research!!

Look forward to your posts titian - I'm sure they will be insightful!!

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:01 PM
One man's crap is another man's belief system Cmdr.
Chemtrails are still a very touchy subject. There are a lot of unanswered questions about them.

Welcome aboard Tiziano Vecellio (a.k.a - titian.)

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:06 PM
Thanks for the greets everyone. How does the point system work? I see I have 32 so far but I'm not sure what I've done or need to do to earn more. I briefly scanned the site for a FAQ or something but I am at work so I can't search comprehensively.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:10 PM
when you make posts you get points. certain boards are worth more or less points. i dunno what the system is though.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:14 PM
Hi titian!!

Points are added for each post you make. There are also regular "competitions", like for Collaborative Fiction or Debating (hence the "Title bar such as Figher (debating) and Writer (for - well - writing!!) These accrue *lots* of points per post, as they add value to the board - it isn't just "chat" (as important as that is, of course!!

The points you get can be traded for add-ons or extra upload space or U2U's... Look at the "MemberCentre" above to see the ATS Store - that'll give you a list of things you can "buy"...

Good luck titian!!

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:52 PM
Thanks everyone. I actually read the terms and conditions and found my answers. I like the idea behind this.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:58 PM

Well looks like you will fit in just fine round here..

If you need any help feel free to ask any questions,
ill help as much as i can.

look forward to seeing you around the board!

and remember once you have made 30 posts come say hi in fast chat a great way to get to know members

last but not least remember to click them google adds before you leave each day...all goes to help ATS.


posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by titian
It's an alias I chose several years ago because I was playing with my wife's t--s when somehow I called them titians. The rest is history.

Welcome Titian!
Definanetly an original way to come up with a name.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 04:07 PM
accdentily called em titans? man they must be huge

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 09:52 AM
Big like titans!!.....

Heh, sorry, couldn't resist.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by titian
Well actually it's a famous artist. It's an alias I chose several years ago because I was playing with my wife's t--s when somehow I called them titians. The rest is history.

I've lurked here for months and have enjoyed reading the posts. I'm interested in aviation, weather and anything outdoors. I'm a software developer of business applications by day and I dabble in tracking hackers, spammers and viruses.

Thanks for making this such an interesting place to come to.

You like playing with tits???

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
accdentily called em titans? man they must be huge

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