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Clinton defeats Obama in Pennsylvania primary

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posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 08:53 AM
I hate Hillary Clinton soooooo much! cant people see how patronizing she is? she lied about sniper fire in bosnia prety much to make people feel bad and vote for her but it backfired and somehow this BITCH wins in PA? something is up here i know people see how plastic she is, shes manufactured to feed you want you want to hear but shes not a good actor so it dosent work very well. But i guess people like to be fed bull#, it makes them forget about whats going on, and of course shes a woman so thats change right? Wrong. she openly wants a one world government and supports others who do. Whenever Hilary speaks i want to bitch slap her, i can't stand the way she talks like she has a accent, but only sometimes. I can't stant the way she lies for piblicity. I can't stand how she thries to act like "Normal People" just to get votes. I cant stand her advertisements and i hate her guts. # Hillary Clinton.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:38 AM
Operation kaos,, a big success in PA.

Lets hope it continues to work in all other states.....

Push back the liberal hoards......

Go Rush..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Great win for Operation Chaos!

Record number of voters in yesterdays primary. Now all you Republicans that switched to Democrat to participate in Operation Chaos, don't forget to switch back!

Got to love it when a plan comes together!

Nice try....Operation the Rush Roofies down... now, please back away from the conservative little boy touching toy and exit your little private right wing pool party. Hello it doesn't matter! Clinton still has to win ALL of the remaining states to be the out right winner...Not Pa. ALL of them!

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by tsloan

Nice try....Operation the Rush Roofies down... now, please back away from the conservative little boy touching toy and exit your little private right wing pool party. Hello it doesn't matter! Clinton still has to win ALL of the remaining states to be the out right winner...Not Pa. ALL of them!

Operation Chaos is not about getting Mrs Bill Clinton nominated by the Democrat Party.

Operation Chaos is about keeping her in the race to screw up the Democrat Party.

The longer Mrs. Bill Clinton hangs around, the more angry Obama voters become, and vice versa. If Obama wins, Clinton voters stay home and if Hillary wins, Obama voters stay home out of protest.

Whoever emerges for the Democrats will be a very weakened candidate because of the long drawn out process. Thus is the mission of "Operation Chaos"!

Republicans have no guts to go after a Black Democrat or a Woman Democrat. So let them beat each other up, so we don't have to.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 04:20 PM
Interesting thing is,
there's a multitude of people who don't care who gets in, they just want a democrat. I'll keep my personal idea on who should be in office to myself, that's my perogative, but I think that if you want a democrat, just to have a democrat, you're really voting for the wrong reasons.

Media seems to be biased in this perspective.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

That sounds about right.

Forget ethics! We got an election to win!

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
reply to post by RRconservative

That sounds about right.

Forget ethics! We got an election to win!

It is part of the election process, nothing unethical about it. How many democrats voted for Juan McCain in 2004 thinking they could get rid of Bush?

If you are a Republican, a vote for McCain, when his nomination is already decided, is a wasted vote. A vote for Hillary to keep the Democrats in "Chaos" is a powerful thing. Voting is never unethical. Political maybe, but not unethical.

BTW, How do you think we got stuck with Juan McCain? That's right...Independents and Democrats switching to vote for the perceived weaker candidate in the early voting states.

What comes around goes around.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:02 PM
Its not the upset the media is making it out to be... Clinton was expected to win. What she needed however was a large win and it just was not there. 10 point difference from the last I heard. She needed 20% or better. Overall the delegate spread remains about the same.

She's still toast.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by grover

That's absolutely right.
Obama has NC cornered. And unfortunately Michigan, and Florida really got screwed over. So it's more than likely we're gonna see it as predicted, Obama versus McCain.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Odds are with the economy going south in a big way... if the Drudge report found a video of Hillary and Obama having sex, it wouldn't matter one iota. Even if McCain wins the white house he is going to face Democrat dominated congress... one large enough to dictate the agenda... but I still say the odds are against the Republicans in this one BIG time.

BTW rrconservative is a prime example of a principled Republican.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by grover]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

I don't think there is one shred of truth in anything you just said.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Sublime620

I personally never pay much attention to rr. His opinions are odd even for here.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by grover

It's because he listens to Rush Limbaugh. If you listen to someone you are bound to start acting like them

And Mr. Limbaugh is a walking oxymoron.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Except the reality is that most repubs voted for Obama. Obama is, and always has been the choice of repubs to face McCain. Repubs know that Obama will energize the repub base far more than Hillary. Obama has a closet full of skeletons, and doesn't have a snowballs chance in h e double toothpicks to win the general.

Obama hasn't won a primary where only democrats vote. The only blue states Obama has won were the most liberal that Hillary can easily take for granted. Hillary has won the battle states, and Obama can not. Not only that, but don't count on Obama automatically being able to win CA and NY where there are a lot of conservative democrats and Clintonites like me who are completely disgusted with this election and the disenfranchisement of Florida and Michigan.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I don't know what is worse:

Only voting for Obama for party allegiance, or not voting for Obama due to Clinton allegiance.

You may not agree with Obama 100%, but would you really vote McCain over him? WWIII here we come...

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:13 PM
They are now reporting that Clinton won by only 9.4 points. hardly the knock out punch she needed.

As for Republicans voting for Obama because he is easier to defeat because he has more skeletons in his closet... you are completely off base. Hasn't it sunk in that (at least some) Republicans are voting for Obama because they would prefer him over McCain? Hell even some staunchly conservative leaders have endorsed Obama, not because they like him, rather they dislike McCain more.

Clinton has so many bags I am surprised more Republicans aren't voting for her just for the chance to tear her apart in the general election.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by grover]

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by Sublime620

Honestly, I thought about voting for McCain long before Obama ever showed up on the scene.

Here is the reality about McCain. McCain is the most moderate republican to run since Ike. While McCain has moved to the right to win the repub nom., the reality is that he will probably move back to the center if elected. McCain's stance on campaign finance reform, and white collar crime is what we will need. Also, I agree with McCain's assessment that Johnson's give to the poor reforms do not work. Reward those who are helping themselves. This is what Bill Clinton did with his welfare reforms, and odds are that Obama will not follow this plan. Obama will return to the old feed the poor program, which only breeds poverty. Obama will fund more and more liberal arts college grads who will push political correctness and their desire to tell others how to live their lives Also, I like McCain"s stance on the mortgage crisis better. Why should those who did not foolishly sink themselves into debt buying houses at prices they could not afford have to subsidize those people who made those foolish choices, and the bankers who profited from this big con job.

When it comes to the war in Iraq, GW got us into the Iraq mess, and we can't just walk away. This is the sad truth, and advertising that you will end the war quickly will only give incentive to your enemies. In order to win the war on terrorism, and we are in a real war of self defense against terrorism, we have to be determined to win.

McCain's hundred year war proclamation is the best position to end the war in Iraq and the war against terrorism in the fastest way possible.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by grover

Oh Really!

Lets drag the skeletons out of the closet and see who has the most, and the most scary skeletons.

First of all, Ken Starr spent $60 Million trying to dig up dirt on Bill and Hillary, twisting every arm in in Arkansas in what may be the worst witch hunt in the history of the U.S. and came up with nada, zip, zilch, absolutely nothing. The hate Hillary crowd's argument rests on the concept that she is guilty until proven innocent and screw the Fourth amendment. You people are the most dangerous group in the main U.S. political spectrum in my opinion. You people are still convinced that Hillary is guilty of something even after sixty million dollars of hard nosed in your face investigation has failed to turn up anything. You all are still looking for some mysterious box of records and some crazy list that points more at the prosecutor than the prosecutie. I'd be more than happy to destroy the crazy rants against Hillary that the Hillary haters have been spewing for a decade now, that people made up their minds about long ago.

Then there is Obama, whose list of very bad things that the press has chosen to ignore is quite impressive. First of all, Obama is a Muslim, and he is lying about his religion, and this has been well documented. Obama's mother was a Muslim, which he has lied about. Obama is also a racist, and his hypocrisy on how he views poor whites verses poor blacks was made very clear by his comments on Western Pennsylvania. Blue collar whites are not the dummies that the Obama crowd constantly makes them out to be. Obama's much talked about memoirs are filled with misstatements and out right lies. Considering how many fabrications that have been uncovered, how can any of it be trusted. This wouldn't be the first time the U.S. public has been fooled by a cleverly written memoir that was in reality fictional. Then there are Obama's ties to a crooked Chicago business man, who is originally from the Middle East, who helped Obama buy his home. Then there is Obama's minister, his ties to the Muslim religion and enemies of the U.S.. Obama is not a patriot. Of course, recently Obama claimed that he has not taken any money from lobbyists and the oil interests, but he has.

Obama's beliefs are not Western, they are Muslim. Western culture has carried us to our great heights of wealth and prosperity. While our culture has flaws, over all, Western culture remains the most progressive culture on our planet, and the path to a brighter future. Muslim culture on the other hand destroyed progress in the Middle East, and has brought violence where ever it is allowed to gain a foot hold.

These are some very serious issues.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative

Originally posted by Sublime620
reply to post by RRconservative

That sounds about right.

Forget ethics! We got an election to win!

It is part of the election process, nothing unethical about it. How many democrats voted for Juan McCain in 2004 thinking they could get rid of Bush?

If you are a Republican, a vote for McCain, when his nomination is already decided, is a wasted vote. A vote for Hillary to keep the Democrats in "Chaos" is a powerful thing. Voting is never unethical. Political maybe, but not unethical.

BTW, How do you think we got stuck with Juan McCain? That's right...Independents and Democrats switching to vote for the perceived weaker candidate in the early voting states.

What comes around goes around.

And to re-tread your operation "Chaos"...
...If you look real hard at the Pa. election you will notice that it is "closed" election... Which means that the 0ver 1 million independants that polled out for Obama didn't count? So operation"Chaos"
as you put it is void..Your..wait Rushes little theory is the dumbest..wait... no, Republicans getting caught touching little boys are the dumbest....wait... no, maybe trying to give the guy in the bathroom stall a footie under the stall wall is the dumbest thing the conservatives have ever thought up...But stay tuned cause the election is still young I'm sure you guys will find a more creative way to get caught doing dumb again. But on the flip side once again between Grampa McCain and Clinton and Obama this is great for Reformist as myself cause you guys are making it ever so easy for a thrid party to win...Cause America is tired of the Republican and Democratic lies and spin. So I say hash it out cause the third party wins in the end...

[edit on 24-4-2008 by tsloan]

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