posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by rikriley
That's pretty similar to here man.
When the minimum wage was first introduced in 1999 the adult rate stood at £3.60 an hour, and it has risen at a rate above inflation every year until
It rose from £5.35 to £5.52 an hour from October 2007, which is where it remains at the moment i believe.
But with the price of everything going up at the moment,food,petrol,all retail goods,rent,you name it, even taxes, even the usually comfortable people
are struggling to cope.
Council workers were on strike all over the country today, so some schools were closed as well as other disruptions.
Add this to teachers, nurses,firemen and others (even the police were going to strike which is not legal) that have all been complaining and taking
action recently, it seems most cannot afford to live.
iI think it's sad our governments, literally throw money around in the most obscene fashion, while the average folks are tightening the purse
maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel?? i hope so
[edit on 16/7/08 by blupblup]