posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 11:48 AM
After further scutinity... Still true, but the dialect / font is a very obscure form of arabic (used for comical purposes) that really requires a keen
or expert eye to see. This is a pure coincidence.. Arabic is a very complex language and much harder to read than speak.. There are several forms and
dialects change from region to region. To give a quick example of complexity. Each letter in arabic is written three ways that look nothing like the
first (for example the letter A has three different ways to be expressed that dont look similar. Which character is used depends on where the letter
is placed in the word. So if the A is in the beginning of the word it is written one way, If the A is in the middle of the word, it is written with a
different character, If the A comes at the end of the word the character is different from the others.. It still varies further for dialect and
region. The Arabic spoken in Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Iraq is very different from North Arfican forms in Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia,
etc.. There are formal versions and slang. Its fricken tough.. Trust me!! But this does indeed say NO Mohammed in an obscure comical form of the
written language. Pure coincidence, but good catch.