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What do you think is different between Iran and Saudi Arabia?

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posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:12 PM

I just wonder how does west see both these two countries who represents two different branches of Islam i.e Saudi represent rigid Sunni Islam and Iran represents Shia Islam.

Overall what do you think that makes them different or in other terms which one is more evil and why is it so?

Looking forward to your views!

[edit on 19-4-2008 by LOYAL]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:41 PM
If I'm not mistaken Wahhabism is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia. I'm not a big expert on the differences though; Just thought I'd put that out there before the thread gets rolling.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:58 PM
Yes you're right they represent the most rigid form of Sunni Islam, Wahabism, however they are not itself separate Branch Of Islam like the Shia Islam that is almost quite opposite to the Sunni Islam.

Thanks to war on terror that i think even Kids in US or elsewhere in EU know that Muslims have two major Sects and One is either from Sunni Islam or Shia Islam.

And interestingly, There are only two countries in the Muslim where is 'Islamic Laws are enforced officially' One is Saudi Arabia where strictest form of Sunni Islam known as Wahabism or Salafism is practiced and Other is Iran where Shia Islam dominates the country law etc.

The reason i posted this thread i wanted to have views of Western common people i live here in southeast aisa (Pakistan) as what do they think of these two Islamic countries....

If you have noticed, they are hardly any Shia Militant blowing himself up just like Sunni Militants do, I meant i hardly see any video of Shia Suicider like that stuff in Iraq... does West take notice of that??

And who does West think is more brutal or real threatening to World Peace... Shia Islam or Wahabi Islam ... ??

[edit on 19-4-2008 by LOYAL]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 08:15 PM
I am a firm believer that economics determines how people act. Therefor I would say my biggest perceived difference between SA and Iran results from their respective attitudes towards the west regarding FDI and its profits.

Where does this stem from?

Sometime after WWII, America signed a deal with Saudi Arabia in which they agreed that half of their oil profits would go the state (as they own the land), and the other half would go to America (who had the means to extract the oil in an efficient way). At the time one of the fairest FDI profit sharing offers to any Middle Eastern oil producing state.

Now, at the same time, British Petroleum (still a crown company), was extracting oil in Iran. The Iranians demanded a similar 50/50 deal from BP (as they were in a scheme more like 20/80 - not to mention BPs blatant manipulation of their accounting). BP, and by extension the British government, said no. This sparked the whole nationalization movement in Iran, which eventually created so much instability that the US was forced (in their minds) to help the British intervene, eventually leading to the installation of a puppet Shah. We all know the rest from there.

I think if the British had just played fair from the beginning (comparatively to the Americans), this whole situation would not exist. The Iranians and Saudis would both be happily collecting their oil dollars, while still staying on good terms with the west. I just find it absolutely amazing that America doing a good thing in SA created a situation leading up to what we have today.

Granted, whether or not it is better to be in SAs position versus Irans position is a whole other debate.

Often of note in this whole thing is that Kermit Roosevelt, son of President Teddy, was the CIA man in charge of the Coup that installed the puppet shah.


[edit on 19-4-2008 by WuTang]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by LOYAL
And who does West think is more brutal or real threatening to World Peace... Shia Islam or Wahabi Islam ... ??

[edit on 19-4-2008 by LOYAL]

Unfortunately 99% of the West does not really know the difference. I would be very interested in a study supporting what you are saying (that the majority of suicide attacks are perpetrated by those of Sunni descent). I would take a guess that it is a lot more close to even than you may be suggesting.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by WuTang

Yes to my best knowledge the 99.99% suicide attacks in Iraq are committed by alqeda operatives who are Sunni more precisely Wahabi Muslim, and i want to mention here, that in Islam committing suicide is 'Haram' that mean forbidden and considered one of the major sins that hardly can be forgiven by God... just like Islam says 'Killing of one Human being is equal to Killing of whole mankind' and ironically today Muslim and Wahabies-Sunni in particular who under the banner of Alqeda not ony committ suicide but also kill innocent people. On the other hand Shia Muslim firmly believe that committing suicide is forbidden therefore you would rarely notice any Shia Militant carrying on suicide attacks... Even you can't blame Shia-Hezbullah in Lebanon of such suicide attacks on Israel, while Sunni-Hamas is well known for Suicide attacks isnt? get the point??

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