posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Masonic Light I am calling you out.
I have read several of your post on many of these Mason Threads I want to tell you that you are in my opinion the best example found on this website
of what the purported masonic ideas are. (As I understand them not being a Mason myself)
I have found you to state your case concerning masonic topics clearly, and concisely without resorting to insults, of others opinions and ideas.
You have not shown to my eyes the slightest sign of arrogance in your opinion even if you did not agree with another poster in a discussion. I have
not seen you try to "win" an argument, by either dodging, evading or ducking any facts presented.
You have been willing to acknowledge and clarify mistakes made by both the mason and non mason alike without apparent bias to the facts.
To me this is the surest sign of a Mason and a man who want to be Square with their fellows, which in my opinion will go a long way to helping people
who are not members of the Masons understand and even trust your fraternity. If there where more posters like you I think that there would be a lot
less venom lurking on this board.
I know you don't give a crap what some faceless guy on the internet thinks about you, but I think your behavior warrants mention nonetheless.