posted on May, 6 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Wow you could take out the walrus with a well-aimed RPG.
As for domination with a single unit, war is like chess. Theres always something that a unit is strong against, but weak against.
Ex.) Apache Beats Tank
SA-7 beats Apache
M16 Beats SA-7
Tank beats M16
And it repeats. You cannot dominate the battlefield with a AH-64 just hovering there, because:
1.) It WILL get shot down
2.) It has finite ammunition and fuel
3.) It cannot hold its ground. Once it goes to refuel, the ground it was holding is lost.
A tank would seem like a good option for holding ground, and it is. However, they can be taken out by aircraft, advanced infantry-deployable systems,
and by simply over powering it and slapping some C4 on it.
The best system is some determined infantry with a constant resupply. Well-Motivated infantry will not stop fighting until they are all killed. They
can take out tanks, aircraft, and will fight to the death. 10 well trained infantrymen can kill 10,000 untrained conscrpts, as long as they have
constant resupply.