posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 02:27 PM
Firstly, welcome to the waning days of Social Issues. If you haven't heard, these threads will soon be joining ATS on the Political Issues forum.
Secondly, it would help immensely, if you would use punctuation and paragraphs in your posts.
This will help others to make sense of your writing and invite more responses.
Unfortunately, I'm not English or British, except so far as my ancestry is concerned, so I'm not very well versed in your culture.
It would seem to me, however, that if you were born in England and if you are loyal to her government and her laws and honor her heritage, traditions
and mores that that would be sufficient for you to consider yourself to be an Englishman. Certainly, I would think that the law would be on your side
in this regard.
You should know that there are certain kinds of people who feel that only themselves and those who have similar pedigrees to be the only ones who have
a rightful claim to some name or category of beings.
Such is the case, I'm told, with those whose ancestors came to America on the Mayflower. There are those here in the southwestern US who feel that
their Spanish heritage is more authentic than those who are of Indian or Anglo extraction.
The most important thing is that you live loyally according to the principles that are right and good and that you treat others with the respect that
you expect from them. It would also help if you associated with those who hold those values, also. If you cannot find such a group, then take the
initiative to start one.
Most of us have very little control over the behavior of others, but regardless of that, we always have control over ourselves and how we present to
the world.
[edit on 2008/4/18 by GradyPhilpott]