posted on Dec, 26 2002 @ 03:46 PM
First of all, let it be known that I don't necessarily have a problem with the manner in which the board is operated, I just thought I would bring
this to attention:
Over my (relatively short) membership to the ABS Board, I have noticed a bit of hypocracy on the part of...well everyone, really. But I find it quite
amusing that so many people, even moderators, constantly gripe and whine about conformity, oppression & censorship, when the job of a moderator is to
censor something they don't like or agree with. Are we not fighting for our freedom of speech, fighting against censorship? The moderators are
censoring us to stop censorship (?). For example, let's just say that a moderator of the board is Jewish, and some Neo-Nazi makes an anti-Jewish
post. The moderator, feeling threatened and offended, deletes or edits the post because he simply didn't like it. A perfect example of the manner in
which the U.S. Government performs "You can say whatever you long as we agree with it. Otherwise, you're outta here!"
While I do understand why the moderators must censor some things, due to the many idiots out there who have no business within a mile of a computer
with Internet access, I still find it hypocritical and taking after the actions of the government.
Anyway, I appreciate the efforts of the board staff, but uh...yeah. Once again, just thought I would bring this to attention. Comments are welcome!