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The simple question....why?

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posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:14 PM
For those who believe the government allowed/was involved/planned the 9/11 attacks (and I am one of them).

Why go through all of the trouble with laser beams and holograms and faked plane parts and missiles and having to explain missing people..... when you can just crash a REAL jet into a building.

Mission accomplished. We sound like a bunch of kooks with a the sci fi crap. The correct answer is almost always the most simple one.

These are the kind of things that make a long time reader of this site (see my register date) so disappointed with a place like this.

EVERYTHING can't be a conspiracy. Otherwise nothing thats gets said on here gets or deserves any credibility and thats a shame, because buried beneath a lot of crap are some very good ideas and theories.

It would be better if you didn't have to dig through the ramblings of a bunch of "everything is a conspiracy" folks to find them.


posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 10:59 AM
no response huh...

Guess the OBVIOUS isn't conspiracy enough.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Good luck trying to explain how the CIA/FBI/NWO/Whatever managed to convince people to do actually pilot the planes into the buildings.

p.s; the official story is technically a conspiracy theory, seeing as it hasn't been proved.

So on one side you have Bush & Co. Accusing muslim extremists of a Conspiracy, and on the other side you have everyone who doesn't particularly care about muslim extremists saying that Bush & Co were responsible for a conspiracy.

The wheel goes round and round.

All you gotta do is decide when it would be a good time to get off.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 11:11 AM
I saw a documentary on video google about 9/11 saying that refuelling aircraft were used for the towers and a smaller unmanned vehicle was used to break that piece of wall off of the pentagon.

I can't remember the name of it, something like Deceptive Conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Anti-Tyrant

I don't believe that Muslims would do such a thing. They welcome us in the Middle East. They love us. Same thing for the insurgency, its all CIA. An excuse to stay in Iraq. No Muslim would ever fight against Americans because they welcome us. Muslims hitting America on 9/11 in retaliation for support of Israel and American troops on the holy lands of Islam is a myth.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Tyrant
Good luck trying to explain how the CIA/FBI/NWO/Whatever managed to convince people to do actually pilot the planes into the buildings.

p.s; the official story is technically a conspiracy theory, seeing as it hasn't been proved.

So on one side you have Bush & Co. Accusing muslim extremists of a Conspiracy, and on the other side you have everyone who doesn't particularly care about muslim extremists saying that Bush & Co were responsible for a conspiracy.

The wheel goes round and round.

All you gotta do is decide when it would be a good time to get off.

I think you can have the government involved. You can have equipment installed on an airplane to take over the flight mechanics. You can shoot a plane down. etc. These are all valid talking points.

My whole point is, I keep having to read these ridiculous threads about a plane not actually hitting the pentagon.... but why? Why not just crash a real plane?

The best way to foil your own plan is to get too complicated.

Holograms and missiles and lasers just make the whole thing seem ridiculous. If you are going to kill 3,000 people at the WTC, why suddenly have a conscience about killing 100 on a plane? Just crash a real plane into a real building, and there is a lot less chance of being caught.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 07:25 PM
is it a coincidence that the 2001 disclosure project national press club event was months
before 911? I think not, the people who did this had advanced tech, most likely derived from reverse engineered alien craft. oil is the reason for 911, if you suppress disclosure, you suppress free energy. these mo foes are making trillions off oil and they want to keep it like that, war in the middle east sure helps their profits too.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 08:57 PM
Just a tought, i'm not a friend of these wild speculations either. But it could be complicated (considering they've tried to keep the damage as low as possible, but at the same time causing enough damage to get the peoples minds in a certain state of fear. Think of the pentagon attack as a necessary strike right in the heart of the usa in order to push their agenda) to hit the right part of the building with a big airliner without damaging anything important, and also to not get shot down by the stationary missle defense and probably miss the target causing less damage as required.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 09:43 PM
The simple question of "why" gets you a myriad of complex answers. I do also believe that aircraft struck the twin towers also one was crashed into the pentagon and also the one that crashed all on its own.

But the "why" is what drives us. The "why" makes the who, the what, the where, and the when irrelevant without.

The essential question to ponder is the "why"?

Why do we desperately need to be in the middle east?

Why did Bush say "Mission Accomplished" when it was obvious to everyone that the war was going to last quite a while longer?

Why did two towers that were rated for aircraft crashes of similar planes completely collapse?

Why did world trade center 7 collapse?

The answers to these questions will get you further than the who, the what, the where, and the when.

The motive is the key. and I believe that the motive goes further than oil, back to Israel and to natural gas, back to economic stability for Saudi Arabia, back to getting a superpower presence instilled in the middle east and therefore have strong bases of operation for invasions into china or other middle eastern countries.

The why can be boiled down simply enough


[edit on 4/17/2008 by whatukno]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by docpoco

The best way to foil your own plan is to get too complicated.

Uhm, no.

The best way to keep people guessing about your plan is to make it insanely elaborate, one would think.

i.e; plant false clues all over the place.

[edit on 18-4-2008 by Anti-Tyrant]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 06:46 AM
Nobody said that a conspiracy against the people of this country needed holograms. You overestimate humanity's overall awareness of their surroundings. I'm sure if you repeated it enough times, they could've got you to believe that the person that wears the Barney the Dinosaur costume got disgruntled and hijacked a couple of planes.... and nobody would question how one person could hijack four planes.

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