posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 11:28 AM
Either late 70's or early 80's (more likely 70's judging by hairstyle), the movie Capicorn One? It starred Elliot Goule (?) as an
Anyway, the movie premise was a manned mission to Mars, but experts realized that the oxygen generators would fail, killing the astrnaughts before
ever reaching the Red Planet... so they set up a sound stage somewhere in the Rockies to fake the whole thing. They launched the ship, but not the
Anyway, NASA just recorded the "missions", and broadcast them at a later time, to indicate the time-lag of distance. The sound stage was based on
what earlier satilites had observed.
Everything was going real well, until the astronaughts realized that after the manned mission, the "return" vehicle was supposed to fail... killing
the astronaughts. They escaped.
Oops, no that I think about it, Elliot Goul was a reporter...
the NASA/government managed to kill two of the astronaughts... the third showed up at this own funeral.