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The Top 5 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by EndOfFile

This is your third post in this thread, and so far you have contributed absolutely nothing to this discussion. If it were really so easy to debunk ABLE DANGER, then do it! The hijackers getting their visas from the CIA, explain that! Sibel Edmonds' testimony on Valerie Plame's Brewster Jennings being OMITTED from the 9/11 commission report?! WHOA! And the Bush admin taking cipro BEFORE the anthrax was mailed? Oh, i guess they have a psychic on staff (actually, they probably do).

And what about Mahmoud Ahmad's breakfast meeting? That has NEVER been explained!!! The 9/11 commission ruled the financing of the operation was of no interest. Seriously, NO INTEREST!!!

Face it, you've got nothin'!

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 09:32 PM
It is absolutely infuriating when people go into threads and say "I can debunk that" but never #ing do. Instead, they sit back and comment about how it's "been debunked before," yet provide no MOTHER #ING EVIDENCE THAT IT HAS BEEN!

I honestly fear if I were in a room with these kinds of people I might snap and murder them. Thank god for the internets.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 09:54 PM
Great post - But! (of course there's a but)

You forgot the most important 9/11 conspiracy theory of all:

#1 - 19 hijackers successfully took over 4 commercial airliners with box cutters and hit 75% of their targets all led by a guy in a cave on the other side of the planet, who managed to foil NORAD and bring down the twin towers with a weak fire.

And as an added bonus they even managed to get building 7, by luck.

Thats my favorite - IMHO

Some like to call it "the official story" It's a story all right - and its a pip.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by sp00n1

You are very adamant about wanting someone to debunk your post, exactly does one go about doing that? What exactly do you want debunked?

The title of this thread is Top 5 9/11 Conspiracy Theories.
You list the five, with number one being:

Okay, get this, 1) 9/11 could've been prevented!

So are you saying that the conspiracy is that it could have been prevented? Meaning it couldn't have been prevented or what?

That's right. Out of numerous ignored forewarnings the most damning is intelligence gathered from a top secret program known as ABLE DANGER that identified Mohammad Atta a full year before 9/11. Without warrantless wiretaps, without the patriot act, without reading my emails they were able to datamine publicly available databases and identify Atta as a sleeper cell ringleader living in this country illegally. Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who had access to this information, tried to share it with the FBI but was prevented by military lawyers.

Why would anyone want to debunk this? They knew about most if not all of the players in 9/11 since the '90s. This isn't new. I'm glad some of your links go to cooperativeresearch. That is an excellent resource and you can see specifically when and what they knew about the hijackers.
You mention "forewarnings." You know many of these came from other intel agencies worldwide. But....that would indicate that terrorists were involved. The goal is to show it was completely the government's fault right? With the warnings that came from the agencies here in the U.S., well, why would the government warn the government that the government was about to attack?

I would be helpful if people were more specific when they say "government"

Point 2:

2) Someone compromised our security!

So again, are you saying this is the conspiracy? Which would mean no one compromised our security right?
Well our security was indeed compromised, that is not a conspiracy. The question is whether it was done purposely.
I am glad you linked to that thing about the Saudis (since most of the hijackers were from there - that of course is where they would get their visas). As you link shows, this has been going on since the mid '80s. We have bent over backwards trying to appease the Saudis (for their oil). It is sickening and as we found out deadly. Multiple administrations are responsible for that travesty.

3) the guy that wired $100,000 to Mohammad Atta shortly before 9/11, Gen. Mahmoud Ahmad of Pakistan's ISI, was in a 'breakfast meeting' with many high ranking US officials at the time of the attacks.

So..the conspiracy is that the Pakistani government is corrupt? That's not a conspiracy, that's truth.

4) ANTHRAX ATTACKS that killed multiple people.


What did they know? When did they know it? Why didn't they warn the rest of us?!?!

What? That anthrax was stolen
When? When it was stolen
Why? Embarrasment, mass panic, not enough info....
"Hey America, so we just had some anthrax stolen so it would be best if everyone just stayed indoors for X months/years until this blows over. Thanks."

5) According to former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, high ranking US officials in charge or preventing nuclear proliferation are actually selling nuclear secrets to America's adversaries. And worse, she was fired for reporting it to her superiors, and someone leaked Valerie Plame's name and blew the cover on the investigation into these leaked nuclear secrets to prevent justice from being served.

Doesn't really have anything to do with 9/11...
But your article states that it was sold to Pakistan (who is not an adversary) and they in turn spread it at will....
Really shows that we have greedy/corrupt people in the government, not a concerted effort to sell all our secrets.

Still not sure what you want debunked though....

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by KMFNWO
Great post - But! (of course there's a but)

You forgot the most important 9/11 conspiracy theory of all:

#1 - 19 hijackers successfully took over 4 commercial airliners with box cutters and hit 75% of their targets all led by a guy in a cave on the other side of the planet, who managed to foil NORAD and bring down the twin towers with a weak fire.

And as an added bonus they even managed to get building 7, by luck.

Thats my favorite - IMHO

Some like to call it "the official story" It's a story all right - and its a pip.

LOL KMFN....that really is pretty outrageous stuff. You got anything to back that up?? Oh, right...I'm on my way to Google now...

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by sp00n1
reply to post by EndOfFile

And what about Mahmoud Ahmad's breakfast meeting? That has NEVER been explained!!! The 9/11 commission ruled the financing of the operation was of no interest. Seriously, NO INTEREST!!!

Face it, you've got nothin'!

I couldn't agree more. The 9/11 Ommission Report is without doubt the biggest lie of the century. One day this case will be reopened and a truly independent committee will finally shut up all these deflunkers. Can't wait for the perp walks! Let'em eat crow........

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by sp00n1
If you guys aren't using Digg, you really should be. It's a great opportunity to bypass corporate media censorship and reach millions of people around the world. Just look at what it did for Ron Paul!

How do you know that the powers that be didn't trick Ron Paul supporters into thinking he's one of them by leaking his information via Digg and making all the independent-minded thinkers that read Digg think they had a candidate that would help them fight the system when IN REALITY he's working for them all along?

I think alot of people that are so-called conspiracy theorists don't allow the "what ifs" to go deep enough and draw a line somewhere along the way and say "okay, i'll believe this, but there's no way i'll believe that" which could be keeping their mind closed to the truth they claim to be seeking.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Green_57

Originally posted by sp00n1
If you guys aren't using Digg, you really should be. It's a great opportunity to bypass corporate media censorship and reach millions of people around the world. Just look at what it did for Ron Paul!

How do you know that the powers that be didn't trick Ron Paul supporters into thinking he's one of them by leaking his information via Digg and making all the independent-minded thinkers that read Digg think they had a candidate that would help them fight the system when IN REALITY he's working for them all along?

I think alot of people that are so-called conspiracy theorists don't allow the "what ifs" to go deep enough and draw a line somewhere along the way and say "okay, i'll believe this, but there's no way i'll believe that" which could be keeping their mind closed to the truth they claim to be seeking.

Unless Ron Paul has been a secret NWO agent for twenty years, I'll stick to believing him. He's had a consistant voting record (in Congress) that mirrors the beliefs he spread during his Presidential Race.

He's an honest American.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Double Eights

You're missing the point of what I'm saying. What makes you believe that what you have been taught about how the government works (e.g. the process of moving bills through Congress and in-house voting) that you made reference to regarding Ron Paul is actually the way things are? Just because they show a bunch of boring stuff on C-SPAN all the time that APPEARS to be real doesn't mean the illuminati isn't behind closed doors controlling everything, thereby making voting for Ron Paul or anybody else pretty much meaningless.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 04:02 PM
I would just like to add that Sibel Edmonds testifed before congress, under oath. If she was lying about her story i imagine they would have thrown her in jail for perjury.

Instead, she's gagged under state secrets. If the government has nothing to hide, then what are they trying to hide?!

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by sp00n1

Hi Spoon1

Yes, all true. These things are known, accepted and have been in the public domain for years. I don't know anyone who seriously disputes any of this.

Yes, 9/11 could have been prevented, had thousands of people in the intels been doing their jobs with better vigilance and been a bit sharper. This is obvious.

So 11 of the 19 hijackers obtained US visas from the US Embassy in Riyadh? Well of course they did. Where else were they supposed to get them? Do you know how many Saudi citizens obtain visas for the US from the Embassy in Riyadh each year? Tens of thousands. One thing which seems pretty obvious is that if you were going to invent or manufacture hijackers for such attacks and then use the results as a justification to invade Afghanistan or Iraq, you wouldn't choose Saudis, whose government is supposed to be an ally. You would choose Iraqis - surely?

As your link explains, Vigilant Guardian type exercises are carried out by NATO several times each year. It is something of a coincidence that one such was carried out in this 8 or 9 day period. If anything, this meant MORE intercept-resources alert and airborne, but looking the wrong way. I personally know people who were involved in that exercise (RAF personnel). Maybe it's a conspiracy, maybe not. Maybe just a c*ck-up. One thing we do know is that NORAD was in no way 'stood down' as so many CT-ers claim. The very opposite was the case during the whole of that week. F11 was ID'd as hijacked some 20 minutes before it impacted the WTC (due largely to the professional, coolheaded and resourceful actions of the cabin staff phoning the airline booking number & raising the alarm) but the chain of command is long, the time was shot, and at that point who would have known the motive was to use the aircraft as kamikaze-type missiles? This is not the way hijacks are normally played out. Conspiracy unproven, surely.

And yes, elements in the Government of Pakistan and the Pakistani military were/are sympathetic to the Jihadist Wahabi movement and are known to be very anti-American, and yes money was transferred to Atta via these agencies. I got news for you: they are still anti-American, and would assist in other attacks given half the chance. Have so assisted in fact, in Afghanistan, killing Americans in the past year.

So, yes, largely true. But where is the 'conspiracy' supposed to be? Am I missing something?

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 08:26 AM
What conspiracy theory debunkers fail to understand is that poking a whole in one theory does not undermine the idea that there is more to 911 than meets the eye - however in contrast - if only one - single - conspiracy theory holds up or proves to be true, if a single theory or issue shows the official line to be false - then the entire façade comes down.

This is the reality -

Such a profound and world shattering incident needs the most extreme diligence - ever possibility needs to be considered - and yet obfuscation at every opportunity - red herrings, lies, distractions, half truths.

The very approach that the government of the day has taken on this entire scenario is in itself evidence of "some" cover up - the make up of the 911 commission- its process and lack of due diligence speak mountains about the nature of this issue.

The simple fact that all video evidence of the pentagon strike has not been made public, the delay in releasing what was finally released, and the edited manner in which it was done - all point towards questionable activity.

There should be no questions left unanswered, no stone left un turned - the fact that they are left un answered, that more arise every day - that fact alone points to serious problems.

The history of Government complicity in these types of issues is again cause for serious concern.

The appeal to patriotism over honesty and integrity again questions the veracity of the official story.

All of this BEFORE we even begin to consider the notion of controlled demolition or bunker busters in the pentagon -

There is no doubt, it is an absolute FACT that there are very serious questions which have left unanswered regarding 911 - and that is the greatest question of all. How can the defining event which changed the course of American history more than any other be left un questioned - left clouded in mystery, left un-investigated to its fullest, not explored through every available avenue with every means possible ?

There is no debunking that theory - it is not listed on the internet - it is not on google - the only place the answer to this will be found is if one of you "debunkers" post in no here - and you cant - therefore it remains a fact - there is a conspiracy of silence at the very least.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by bovarcher
reply to post by sp00n1

Yes, 9/11 could have been prevented, had thousands of people in the intels been doing their jobs with better vigilance and been a bit sharper. This is obvious.

No, It only required one person, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, trying to share his intelligence with the FBI and a team of people trying to prevent him. If this ONE MAN had been able to share information 9/11 could have been prevented!

So 11 of the 19 hijackers obtained US visas from the US Embassy in Riyadh? Well of course they did. Where else were they supposed to get them?

THESE GUYS WERE ON TERRORISM WATCHLISTS AND SHOULD HAVE NEVER GOTTEN VISAS!! Worse, most of them turned in their applications incomplete!!!

As your link explains, Vigilant Guardian type exercises are carried out by NATO several times each year.

No! My link says that, after 9/11, some sources claim it was an annual exercise, whereas other sources say similar exercises had been carried out before, only semi-annually at best.

Running simulations with hijacked planes crashed into buildings was a fairly new idea.

Regardless, it proves all the bull# stories we were told after 911 like "we never expected them to use planes as weapons" or the "american air defences weren't trained to intercept planes" were just that, BULL#!

And yes, elements in the Government of Pakistan and the Pakistani military were/are sympathetic to the Jihadist Wahabi movement and are known to be very anti-American, and yes money was transferred to Atta via these agencies.

AND the guy that transferred the money was in a meeting with high ranking US intelligence officials at the time of the attack!!! Funny how you ignore that one! And pakistan is still described as "America's best ally in the War on terror"!

And, as Sibel Edmonds and Valerie Plame tell us, the US gave pakistan nuclear secrets and helped AQ KHAN sell them to Iran and North Korea!!

Nice try at you spin and win, tho....

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Haven't any of you figured it out yet?

Things like 9/11, Oklahoma City, and even back to first two world wars, they were all concocted actions. A concocted action in that manner is still an evil action. It was concocted in the sense to create chaos to cause chaotic dismay amongst the populations to give the governments more power, so their evil desires could be had while trying to portray some sort of patriotism and good... And all at the same time, the idea that if God existed, these nazi bastards used the Jesus Christ/Anti-Christ conspiracy to put people into this place of dismay, at the first sign of God's existence. They did so, even before God shown any sort of sign that he was watching and that he existed. Meaning a direct sign that is.

This is why they play on people's own emotions, and try to get them to think about other's that are over seas, when in reality - they do not give a # at all, observed mostly by the fact that they will kill innocent people by the thousands in their own country.

Not to mention what they have done to the victim (myself) of a singled out big conspiracy that was already mentioned.

That is why I was raped in a way by Mercy Hospital in Des Moines, IA in a manner that was to appear a medical visit, yet was not carried out like one. That was 1993 before I turned 13 years old, therefore I was 12, and it was during Waco.

Branch Dividian Compound

It's their 'oath' like bull# with a hidden meaning of "nuclear fission".

[edit on 19-4-2008 by JamesSchumacher]

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