posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 12:02 AM
Is New Orleans Next?
I'll keep it simple...Bush keeps pushing that we're going to be attacked, which could possibly mean he's setting up another inside job on us. New
Orleans is considered a very likely and vulnerable place for a terrorist-hit to take place.
It's a port town. Many ships, mixed in with many problems already in place and made public knowledge of, that blatantly have either not been solved,
within and without the system, or, not even remotely tended to, or discussed. They can also play off of the decadent reputation it carries, therefore
justifying 'well documented'- "religious obligations".
If it isn't next, it's only a matter of time. They (the current powers- that-be) do sloppy work, much of the time, and it isn't questioned because
there is simply that much gullibility running around; gullibility, the one mostly overlooked free-range farm that has become rampant across our once
great nation. The story writes itself in many ways, and I ask: Will they?