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Childhood experiences, Truth or an over active imagination? Help clear the confusion.

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posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

While growing up me and my brother diddnt get along so well, he is a year older then me, and when your young a year is a big deal. Now that we're older we have grown closer.

I just remembered somthing that I never really put much thought into.
My brother was afraid of ET, I remember him picking on me and I would play on his fear and talk about it. At night after we went to bed I would say things like "Look, it a space ship" or "I think I just saw ET" and point to a dark corner. He would be horrified and yell for my Mom.

Maybe he had these fears for a reason? If he experienced what I did, being older he may have been frightened like you were.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Snozaz

I totally understand the age thing - we were close in age too - not enemies - but to close to be friends until we got to be in our teens - been real tight ever since

so - you know him best - but - even though we freely discussed "whatever" was going on in our house back in those days - turns out we were all holding back - until we got further away from it

you'll know when the right time is - there will be an opening at just the right moment during just the right conversation

if I were you - I'd wait for it

but I'm not you - so - do what feels right :-)

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

Sorry for the delayed responce, diddnt realise you had replied.

You have helped a great deal Spiramirabilis, and thank you to everyone else who replied. I appreciate it.

Looks like it is time for this thread to die. I just wanted to get my story out there. Maybe I will have the chance to bring it up again.
I hope to contribute to discussions regularly, It is enlightening.

I may talk to some of you again soon.

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