posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 06:11 PM
hey guys, hope you are all healthy and happy
right, i know someone is probably going to shout at me for not having any evidence along with this thread and unfortunately you will only get this if
you live in the uk...
but, tonight i was watching the old tell-a-lie-vision and saw the new 118 advert, there was a storm or something and the two 118 guys both get struck
by lightening through the computer, a series of random flashing images follows and somewhere in there i absolutely swear i saw a picture of a templar
so, what i want to know is, has anyone seen it? does anyone know what the f^% i'm talking about, and why do you think it's been put in there if in
fact it has?
i haven't seen the advert again and it's impossible to know when it will next air, also i have tried to find the actual advert on the net but i
think it's too new, so once again i am sorry for the lack of evidence,
hope to hear something, just so i know i'm not nuts!
real x