posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 12:25 PM
Menendez(sp?) brothers killed their dad, did they play violent games or watch violent movies? No. So don't blame the game.
Who lets a nine year old play the game? The parent. Who buys it for them? The parent. Who doesn't teach them that it fantasy and not real? The
parent. Who didn't teach that going out and killing people is wrong? The parent. Who says it video games and tv and school fault? The parents.
In other words, parents blame everything but the real reason, them. If they didn't leave it to the schools to teach morals, maybe the kid would
learn them. If parents thought that the game wrong, then buy it for their kid, obviously they can't feel to strong about it.
Reminds me of Columbine parents. Blame Marylin Manson, tv, movies, school. The real reason? First, bullying, but they put up with that for a long
time, nothing new. Second, guess who started beating their kids when the kids did something wrong because now the kids were old enough to understand
why they were being beaten? The parents of the kids who went nuts. Now, who's fault is it? If not a parent, the parents. If a parent, it
obviously the schools fault, then MM, then tv.
People, I played violent video games, and I don't go out and shoot people up. Also, with the gangster shooting, I doubt those gangsters are like
that because they played violent video games. They probably like that because of the enviroment they live in and how they were raised. In other
words, the parents fault. And how many points? Don't really get points, just complete missions, get better stuff, and so forth.
Know what JamesG? It people like Mr. President, toltec, and so forth that play violent video games, don't realise it fake, a game, and go out and
shoot people. They can't get it through their heads that it fake! A game, nothing more. It is those people who either go out and kill others after
playing it, or decide if they can't understand it, it bad and should be banned. Don't see these people trying to ban cigarettes or alchohol, things
that DO kill, because they understand those. Put cyanide/ammonia/niccotine/other posions to lips, set it on fire, breath in, breath out. Or, take
posion, put to lips, swallow.
But a game? D@mn it, why did I just do that? No, turn around, punch, no punch, D@mn it, take the, NO, duck, run, no run, AHHH!! Thats it, this game
is to violent, I just smashed my tv, ban it!!!!