posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 04:03 PM
Isn't it clear that just about everything on TV, especially the entertainment movies, Hollywood, Disney, games even your own music whether you know
it or not has incorporated subliminal messages, images and lyrics. It’s hard to not to run into anymore, it has all been intentionally put there.
Everything is training your mind subconsciously with subliminal images and messages.
Everyone of us is being prepared for the time when these secret societies reveal themselves to the world to be the true controllers and rulers of all
nations. Those on the top of the pyramid or the elite of the groups of the world are in fact working together.
Did we really think that most secret societies are not linked? Of course they are, they all have the same purpose it all comes down to gaining world
control, setting up a New World Order and brainwashing the masses even further, all of their subliminal messages and hidden lyrics will catch up to us
sooner or later and they are counting on it. For the time when they introduce the new world leader who will rule the world or the Anti-Christ which is
not a joke but real. (Most will have to see to believe)
The part that will deceive the world will be the extraterrestrial, UFO phenomenon it has been long planned and sorry to disappoint most but they are
not benevolent they have an agenda and that is to deceive mankind, they are working with these secret societies and all governments know about them
but ultimately they are in control of everything why because they are not really extraterrestrials from far away planets, they are inter-dimensional
beings that have been here since the beginning and because of the great wickedness on the earth and because of us being in the last days or final
stages of this time cycle as earth will change they are here for one last attempt to deceive and take as many with us as they can. Yes they are
exactly what you think they are evil spirits at work playing both roles benevolent and malevolent but they will appear to the world as our saviors or
GODS and with the technology that have they will be believed and many will abandon their religion or belief in another GOD and accept Science because
they can PROVE to us all with evidence, evidence, evidence nothing but lies, lies, lies. They count on you believing them in Evolution, Science, them
creating us and there being No Heaven, No Hell, No God, No Sin only continual progression. The world will believe, the majority will they count on
Those who follow them will see that HELL does exist and that is where they will be unless they turn their faith our true creator GOD and his son Jesus
Christ. Have you noticed there are prophets out there who can summon UFO’s at will, don’t you find that interesting?
Have you noticed that many who have had Near Death Experiences have all testified of GOD and of a real HELL and that it does exist?
Have you noticed that these extraterrestrial beings are described exactly the same way many demon sightings have been documented. Small figures, alien
looking bodies? There are 100’s videos and pictures of demons caught on tape that show this. Have you ever noticed that UFO’s morph or shape shift
and appear as ORBS in this sky like fire? They are spirits morphing or shape shifting into whatever they want to appear as.
Perhaps they have the capability and they have been to other planets and setup colonies but it doesn’t change the fact of who they are and what
their purpose is. They are here for our SOULS. They even admit it. They are not on GODS side that is for sure they are here to take us and deceive us
in every which way they possibly can so when the true creator shows up the true benevolent GOD of this world we will be led to believe that our very
creator is malevolent and here to destroy us and the world will battle against GOD. That is the real agenda!
So what do all the secret societies have in common?
Skull & Bones
Bohemian Club
Extraterrestrials, UFO’s
New World Order
The word is ARMEGGEDON,
The last final battle between good and evil,
They are preparing your minds so you JOIN THEM and stand against GOD and GOOD because there will be a final battle on this earth between good and
Start thinking about what side your on, they are working at deceiving you with every movie, song, just about everything your starting to see on TV and
around you revolves around this very thing. Start opening your eyes and seeing Dragons, snakes, pyramids, all seeing eyes, these are all preparatory
and pictures speak louder than words sometimes. Keep the love in your hearts and follow what you know to be right putting your trust in a GOD of love
not violence and war.
The images that are all around us will become real in the near future not like they are now to us just there or a mystery? Everyone wonders why
everything revolves around the pyramid and all seeing eye etc. We will find out around 2012 because that is their scheduled time, it’s no
coincindence that this is a foretold date that was their plan and they will use this date to their advantage.
They don’t want you to know but the time will come that you will and it will frighten you.
Keep this all in perspective, why would all of these secret societies and things be happening if there was no such thing as a SATAN or evil force
behind it? Why all the secrets and mysteries? Because it is real and you should find comfort knowing that if there is a SATAN then there is a GOD and
GOD is returning to earth to restore peace for a thousand years.
That is what I believe and if you don’t you better at least consider getting insurance so your not taken possession of by these beings that will
make you suffer as much as they possibly can once they take your soul, hell is real try researching it and reading what people like you have to say
about it that died and saw it. Those who have died and come back to life have witnessed and testified that Hell and Satan are real so I would at least
consider it if you don’t believe yet, you will see all these things happening soon enough! Keep the love in your hearts. GOD BLESS,